Astronomers Are Using AI to Find Planet-Eating Stars

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Aug 02, 2024

Astronomers have discovered hundreds of “polluted” white dwarf stars in the Milky Way, thanks to a groundbreaking AI technique. What’s more, these stars are consuming their orbiting planets, providing a unique way to study planetary interiors.

This discovery not only advances our understanding of these stars but also opens new possibilities for exploring the composition of distant planets.

White Dwarfs: Stars in Their Final Stage

White dwarfs are stars that have exhausted their fuel and shed their outer layers. They are slowly cooling remnants of stars like our sun, which will become a white dwarf in about 6 billion years.

Artist's impression of the WD J0914+1914 system

Source: ESO/M. Kornmesser

Studying these stars helps scientists understand the final stages of stellar evolution.

Polluted White Dwarfs

When planets orbiting a white dwarf are pulled in by the star’s gravity, they are ripped apart and consumed.

UMAP data color gradients

Source: Kao/The Astrophysical Journal

This process “pollutes” the white dwarf with heavy metals from the planet’s interior. These metals, detected in the star’s atmosphere, provide clues about the planets’ composition.

The Challenge of Finding Polluted White Dwarfs

Identifying polluted white dwarfs is challenging because the evidence of heavy metals in their atmospheres is subtle and can be easily missed.

A photograph of a bright star in space

Source: Wikimedia

Traditional methods involve manually reviewing large amounts of survey data, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

AI Revolutionizes the Search

A team led by University of Texas at Austin graduate student Malia Kao has developed an AI technique called manifold learning to accelerate the search for polluted white dwarfs.

An image of several scientists working on data in their office

Source: Wikimedia

This method has a 99% success rate in identifying these stars, making the process much more efficient.

How Manifold Learning Works

Manifold learning involves an algorithm that analyzes data and groups similar items together in a visual chart.

UMAP data color gradients close up

UMAP data

Researchers can then review the chart to identify promising candidates for further investigation, significantly reducing the time needed to find polluted white dwarfs.


Collaborative Efforts and Future Prospects

This research utilized data from the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission and follow-up observations with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope and the Very Large Telescope.

A photograph of a telescope looking into space

Source: Wikimedia

The Texas Advanced Computing Center provided the necessary resources, demonstrating the importance of collaboration in advancing astronomical research.


Success with Gaia Data

The team used data from the Gaia space telescope, which provides one of the largest spectroscopic surveys of white dwarfs.

A photograph of two researchers seated at their desk working

Source: Wikimedia

Although the data is low resolution, the AI technique successfully identified a group of 375 stars showing signs of heavy metal pollution.


Confirming the Findings

Follow-up observations with the Hobby-Eberly Telescope at UT’s McDonald Observatory confirmed the presence of heavy metals in these stars’ atmospheres.

A man is pictured looking over financial data on his lapto

Source: Wikimedia

This confirmation was a crucial step in validating the AI technique’s effectiveness.


A Tenfold Increase in Known Polluted White Dwarfs

“Our method can increase the number of known polluted white dwarfs tenfold,” Kao said.

A depiction of a cluster of stars in interstellar space

Source: Wikimedia

This increase will allow scientists to better study the diversity and geology of planets outside our solar system, providing valuable insights into planetary formation and evolution.


The Broader Impact of the Research

Keith Hawkins, an astronomer at UT and co-author of the study, emphasized the importance of these findings.

A silhouette of a person standing underneath a colorful starry night sky.

Source: Greg Rakozy/Unsplash

“It’s the only bona fide way to actually figure out what planets outside the solar system are made of,’ Hawkins said.


AI at the Forefront of Astronomical Research

This innovative use of AI is just one example of how researchers at The University of Texas at Austin are solving scientific mysteries.

A photograph of an observatory during a starry night

Source: Wikimedia

To highlight these advancements, UT Austin has declared 2024 the “Year of AI,” showcasing the university’s commitment to cutting-edge research.
