AI Could Explain Why ‘Vampire Stars’ Explode After Eating Too Much

By: May Man Published: Jun 11, 2024

Scientists are now using artificial intelligence (AI) to gain deeper insights into why certain dead stellar remnants, known as white dwarf stars, explode. These powerful detonations, termed Type Ia supernovas, are believed to create heavy elements and disperse them throughout the universe, forming the building blocks for future stars, planets, and potentially life.

The emissions from Type Ia supernovas are so distinct that astronomers use these events as “standard candles” to measure vast cosmic distances.

‘Dead’ White Dwarf Stars

Unlike the supernovas that mark the deaths of massive stars, resulting in neutron stars and black holes, Type Ia supernovas occur when a “dead” white dwarf star absorbs material from a companion star.

stars in outer space

Source:, Freepik

Despite their importance in cosmic evolution and as astronomical tools, the exact mechanisms behind Type Ia supernovas remain unknown.

Analyzing the Spectra

“When investigating supernovas, we analyze their spectra. Spectra show the intensity of light over different wavelengths, which is impacted by the elements created in the supernova.

scientist working on a tablet

Source: DC Studio, Freepik

Each element interacts with light at unique wavelengths and, therefore, leaves a unique signature on the spectra,” said Mark Magee, the research lead author from the University of Warwick. “Analyzing these signatures can help to identify what elements are created in a supernova and provide further details on how the supernovae exploded.”

Looking 5 Billion Years Ahead

In about 5 billion years, the sun will exhaust its hydrogen fuel, halting nuclear fusion at its core.

An artist's depiction of the Earth and the Sun in the distance

Source: Wikimedia

This will cause the sun’s core to collapse and its outer layers to expand, transforming it into a red giant that could extend to the orbit of Mars, potentially engulfing the inner planets, including Earth.

End of the Sun

This red giant phase will last roughly a billion years, after which the outer layers will disperse, leaving behind a white dwarf surrounded by a planetary nebula. For the sun, this white dwarf phase will signify its end.

Close-up photograph of the sun

Source: Freepik

However, other sun-sized stars with binary partners might not meet the same fate. Instead, these white dwarfs can experience explosive ends if they draw material from their companions.

Stars Like Vampires

Much like a vampire rising from the grave to drain the blood of an innocent victim, a stellar corpse white dwarf close enough to a companion star (especially one that has expanded during its red giant phase) can start drawing in its victim’s stellar material.

white dwarf star exploding in space

Source: NASA, Gettyimages

A white dwarf in a binary system can siphon material from its companion star, forming a disk due to angular momentum conservation. This process increases the white dwarf’s mass until it surpasses the Chandrasekhar limit of 1.4 solar masses, triggering a thermonuclear explosion—a Type Ia supernova.


Researchers Turn to AI

Unlike core-collapse supernovas, which result in neutron stars or black holes, Type Ia supernovas completely obliterate the white dwarf.

AI concept

Source:, Freepik

To unravel this process, researchers at the University of Warwick turned to machine learning. Using AI, they accelerated Type Ia supernova simulations, which traditionally require extensive time and computing power, with a single model taking 10 to 90 minutes.


A Quicker Process

Magee explained, “We want to compare hundreds or thousands of models to fully understand the supernova. This isn’t really feasible in many cases.”

An artist's rendition of an asteroid flying through space

Source: Wikimedia

“Our new research will move away from this lengthy process. We will train machine learning algorithms on what different types of explosions look like and use these to generate models much more quickly.”


AI Supernova Simulations

He noted that, similar to how AI generates artwork or text, researchers can now create supernova simulations.

Distant galaxies scattered all over the field of view of the James Webb Space Telescope

Source: NASA

These AI-powered simulations can be compared to real-life observations of Type Ia supernovas. “We’ll be able to generate thousands of models in less than a second, which will be a huge boost to supernova research,” Magee said. “From this data, we prepare models, which are compared to real supernovas to establish what type of supernova it is and exactly how it exploded.”


Higher Level of Accuracy

This AI-based approach not only speeds up the process but also improves accuracy.


Source: Freepik

This allows researchers to better understand the range of elements produced by Type Ia supernovas and their distribution in the cosmos.


Modern-day Technology

“Exploring the elements released by supernovas is a crucial step in determining the type of explosion that occurred, as certain types of explosions produce more of some elements than others,” Magee said.

modern day technology concept

Source: Freepik

“We can then relate the properties of the explosion back to the properties of the supernova host galaxies and establish a direct link between how the explosion happened and the type of white dwarf that exploded.”


The Key to Tackling Supernova Science

The team aims to apply their AI-driven method to other types of supernovas, including those that form neutron stars and black holes, potentially linking these supernovas to the characteristics of their host galaxies.

exploding star in space

Source: Freepik

“With modern surveys, we finally have datasets of the size and quality to tackle some of the key remaining questions in supernova science: how exactly they explode,” said Thomas Killestein of the University of Turku. “Machine learning approaches like this enable studies of larger numbers of supernovae, in greater detail, and with more consistency than previous approaches.”
