America Hits Sad Milestone Under Biden: 20% Inflation
President Biden’s time in office has been turbulent at best. While there are certainly millions of Americans who support the president and his decisions, others, even some Democrats, have wondered if his leadership is really what’s best for America.
Though, of all the complaints about President Biden, one of the most compelling is undoubtedly how he has handled, or some say mishandled, the nation’s economy. In fact, as of May 2024, the cumulative inflation hit a record high of 20%.
Cumulative Inflation vs. Inflation Rate
Before diving into the president’s effect on the US economy and while millions of Americans are disappointed, it’s first crucial to understand the difference between cumulative inflation and the country’s inflation rate.

Source: Shutterstock
The inflation rate is the increase in prices of goods and services the course of the year, but the cumulative inflation is total increase in the price of goods and services over a longer period of time, i.e., it “adds all the yearly inflations to see the total increase in prices over a period.” Which is why sources say that the current inflation rate, as of May 2024, in the United States is 3.4%, but the cumulative rate is 20%.
How Does Inflation Directly Affect the Cost of Living?
Understanding the nuances of the economy can be challenging even for the most well-read American. But in the simplest of terms, higher inflation, whether it be the annual or cumulative rate, directly affects the cost of living.

Source: Freepik
And because rising inflation devalues currency, the US dollar has plummeted in value by 20% over the past few years that Biden was in the Oval Office. That means that $100 would buy someone 20% less today than it would have a few years ago, even if the prices didn’t actually increase.
Grocery Prices Have Risen by 30% Under Biden
These financial realities have made living in America more expensive than ever before. Even the necessities, like groceries, have gone up in price by 30% since Biden was inaugurated.

Source: Depositphotos
Additionally, gas is 50% more expensive than it was in 2021, the cost of renting or buying a home has significantly increased, and mortgage rates are through the roof. Overall, the average American family needs $11,400 more maintain the same lifestyle they lived four years ago.
As Inflation Increases, Wages Are Stagnant
Meanwhile, wages in America are essentially stagnant. There have been some increases, such as the raising of the minimum wage in California, but in general, very few Americans are making much more than they were when Biden was elected.

Source: iStock
The average salary in the United States in 2020 was $55,628, and according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2024, it’s only $59,384. Of course, those few thousand dollars are certainly not enough to cover the vastly higher cost of living.
Americans Are Struggling to Pay Their Bills
Both Biden’s supporters and his enemies can agree that the current economic situation in the United States is concerning. In June 2023, a study reported that 39.7% of Americans said it was somewhat or very difficult to pay their bills.

Source: Freepik
According to Wells Fargo bank, 67% of Americans say they’ve cut back on spending, and 45% have put large purchases, such as buying a new car or house, on hold. Additionally, 35% have dipped into their savings and 62% say they don’t have enough money for “extras.”
American Business Are Scrambling, Too
It’s not just the average American who is worried they won’t make enough this year to pay their bills. Many companies, especially small businesses, are also struggling to stay afloat within this tumultuous economy.

Source: Freepik
Because a large percentage of Americans have had to reevaluate their budgets and cut down on superfluous spending in order to pay their bills, many businesses are seeing a substantial decrease in sales.
Many Argue Bidenomics Are Bad for Business
However, it’s not just a decrease in sales that is negatively affecting American businesses. Some say it’s also Biden’s lack of business-sense.

Source: @ParamountPlus/YouTube
Essentially, the president has made several controversial decisions regarding businesses, but especially small businesses, that make Americans question his understanding of the “real world” as he has been a politician all his life.
Biden Is Burying Small Businesses in Paperwork
The first qualm people have with Biden’s handling of American businesses is that he has all but buried them in paperwork.

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According to The Hill, “The Biden administration recently issued rules expanding overtime pay, banning non compete contracts, mandating electric vehicle use and regulating internet access.” Not to mention Biden’s Corporate Transparency Act which ensures small businesses need to report seemingly mundane statistics or face jail time.
If Biden Wins in 2024, Small Businesses Will Suffer
President Biden also recently announced that, if reelected, he will let the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act explore in 2025, which many argue will significantly raise taxes for small businesses.

Source: Freepik
Though those who support Biden and the act argue the only businesses that will be affected by the expiration of the act are the country’s biggest corporations which are currently benefiting from Trump’s tax cuts.
Is the Economy Really Biden’s Fault?
Whenever a president’s time in office is coming to an end, the country assesses what he has and hasn’t done with his four years. However, there are some things out of a president’s control.

Source: @SkyNewsAustralia/YouTube
In 2022, global inflation reached the highest levels since the 1990s, so no matter who was in the Oval Office, inflation would have increased in the US over the past few years. But, there are certainly decisions Biden made to escalate the situation.
Millions of Americans Want a Business-Minded Leader Back in the White House
The 2024 US presidential election is right around the corner, and what’s especially interesting about it is that Americans have seen this race before. After Trump’s first four years, he was beaten by Biden in 2020, but now, the two are going head to head again.

Source: @TheTelegraph/YouTube
However, some say that previously anti-Trumpers may be changing their tune after seeing the way Biden handled the economy. Americans want to be able to afford to live there, and voting for a businessman over a politician may be the only way to make that a reality.