Archeologists Finally Solve a Puzzle That Has Stumped Them for a Century

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Mar 27, 2024

Archaeologists have discovered the top half of an enormous statue of the revered Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses II, close to the ancient city of Hermopolis.

The find has solved a century-long puzzle that began when the statue’s bottom half was discovered in the 1930s. 

Ramses II Rules Over Egypt

Ramses II ruled over Egypt during the 19th dynasty, which lasted over 3000 years. During his reign, the vast Egyptian empire stretched from Syria to Sudan.

A relief of Ramses II in Memphis, which shows the Pharaoh capturing enemies

Source: Wikimedia

Ramses II was revered for his military prowess during his six-decade reign. He was celebrated as a pharaoh who led the Egyptians through a period of prosperity and dominance over neighboring empires. 

Statues of the Famous Pharaoh

A new capital for the empire was constructed during the pharaoh’s reign, known as Pi-Ramses in Northeastern Egypt at Qantir. 

A photograph of the top half of a giant Ramses II statue

Source: Wikimedia

Due to the pharaoh’s popularity, numerous statues of Ramses II were constructed during his lifetime and even some after. 

The Upper Half of Ramses Statue Discovered

Archaeologists working in modern-day el-Ashmnein came across a marvelous find as they unearthed the top half of an enormous statue of Ramses II.

The statue of Ramses II discovered in modern-day el-Ashmunein

Source: Smithsonianmag

The find was not far from the ancient city of Hermopolis, which lies around 155 miles south of Cairo. 

Ramses II Depicted With Double Crown

Archaeologists went on to remove the immense stone statue, which sat around 12.5 feet high, from the sand.

Statue of Ramses II, which depicts the pharaoh seated wearing his crown

Source: Wikimedia

Ramses is depicted wearing a double crown and a royal headdress topped with a sacred cobra. 

Hieroglyphs Speak of the Pharaoh’s Titles

As the archaeologists removed the statue from the sand, they discovered the back was inscribed with hieroglyphics. 

A large mural shows Pharaoh Ramses II at war with the Hittites

Source: Wikimedia

The inscriptions spoke of Ramses’ numerous titles, which helped to glorify the ruler.


Joint Efforts Between Egyptian and U.S. Teams

The important Ramses II statue was discovered by the joint efforts of an Egyptian-American team under the command of Basem Gehad of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. 

Two archaeologists pictured working at an excavation site in the desert

Source: Freepik

Assistant professor of classics at the University of Colorado Boulder, Yvona Trnka-Amrhein, led the American side. 


The Find Solves Century-Old Puzzle

The well-preserved statue of one of Egypt’s most revered rulers is important for several reasons. 

A photograph taken of a large Ramses II statue at Abu Simbel

Source: Wikipedia

Most importantly, it helped archaeologists also close the chapter on a century-old puzzle.


The Lower Half of the Ramses II Statue

After further investigations, researchers discovered that the top half of the statue matched a previously discovered lower half. 

The bottom half of a statue of Ramses II picture on display in a museum

Source: Wikimedia

Nearly a century ago, German archaeologist Gunther Roeder discovered the lower section of the limestone statue during an excavation.


The Statue Is Reunited With the Bottom Half

In the wake of the discovery, archaeologists and Egyptologists have revealed their excitement about putting the two statues together.

A replica of a large Ramses II statue is pictured beside a main road in Cairo

Source: Wikimedia

Currently, a team of archaeologists is working on creating a display that will showcase the complete statue for the first time in many millennia.


Hundreds of Statues Found Across Egypt

Hundreds of statues of Ramses II have been discovered across Egypt. 

An up-close shot of a statue of Ramses II, which depicts the pharaoh with his crown

Source: Wikimedia

Some of the most impressive are found in Abu Simbel, in the southern portion of the nation. Here, statues of Ramses II reach an astonishing 66 feet high. 


The End of an Era

Ramses II eventually passed away at the impressive age of 90 and was buried in the sacred Valley of the Kings. 

A photograph of the Valley of the Kings, where many Egyptian pharaohs were buried

Source: Wikimedia

However, Ramses II’s memory lives on and will continue, too, thanks to the discovery of new statues and monuments dedicated to the great pharaoh. 
