California Homeownership Costs Have Skyrocketed By 32% Since 2020

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Jun 11, 2024

California’s homeownership costs have soared by 32% since the pandemic began in early 2020. This dramatic rise is due to increased expenses in taxes, insurance, utilities, and maintenance.

Homeowners are feeling the financial squeeze as these costs continue to climb, impacting their budgets significantly.

National and California-specific Increases

According to a Bankrate report, across the U.S., homeownership costs have risen 26% since 2020, but California saw an even steeper 32% increase.

Many cars driving down a Los Angeles street in the daytime.

Source: Lala Miklós/Unsplash

This jump is higher than the national average, reflecting the state’s unique economic pressures and housing market dynamics.

Average Annual Homeownership Costs

The average annual cost of owning and maintaining a single-family home in the U.S. reached $18,118 in March 2023.

A woman looks over her bills, clearly stressed

Source: Freepik

In California, this figure is much higher, at $28,790, due to the state’s higher property values and associated expenses.

Breakdown of California's Homeownership Costs

Owning a home in California comes with some hefty price tags. Annual maintenance costs around $16,966, but that’s just the beginning.

A row of different colored houses. Behind the houses are high-rise buildings.

Source: Kae Ng/Unsplash

Add in $6,832 for property taxes, $1,572 for homeowners insurance, $1,434 for cable and internet, and $1,986 for energy bills. No wonder homeownership expenses in the Golden State are sky-high.

Expert Insights

Jeff Ostrowski from Bankrate noted, “It was really eye-opening to see just how much it costs to maintain a home.”

A set of keys with a small house keyring attached.

Source: Tierra Mallorca/Unsplash

“Until you own a house, it doesn’t dawn on you how much money you’re throwing into the house every month and year.”

Impact of Pandemic on Home Prices

The pandemic caused a spike in home prices, with many states experiencing significant increases.

A man and a woman, both wearing surgical face masks, greet each other by touching elbows in an indoor setting. The man is dressed in a dark blue shirt and jeans, and the woman is wearing a grey coat over a black outfit

Source: Maxime/Unsplash

California’s median single-family home price was $848,300 in March 2023, driving up related ownership costs.


Maintenance and Property Taxes

Maintenance costs and property taxes are the biggest expenses for homeowners.

A sprinkler watering a front lawn

Source: Diego V/Flickr

In high-tax states like California, property taxes alone can account for a substantial portion of the overall cost, further straining budgets.


Comparison with Other States

While California saw a 32% increase, Utah experienced a 44% surge in homeownership costs, the highest in the nation.

Aerial view of Fairbanks, AK skyline.

Source: Quintin Soloviev/Wikipedia

Conversely, Alaska and Texas saw the smallest increases at 14%, highlighting the regional disparities in housing expenses.


Geographic Variation in Costs

Homeownership costs vary widely across the U.S. In Kentucky, annual costs are as low as $11,559, whereas in Hawaii, they reach $29,015.

Historic old homes seen in San Francisco in the daytime.

Source: David Vives/Unsplash

California ranks second highest, showcasing the state’s expensive housing market, for better or for worse.


Expert Advice on Financial Preparedness

Ostrowski advises homeowners to be financially prepared for these high costs.

one hundred dollar bills tied up with elastic band

Source: Freepik

“It’s certainly better to be over-prepared and have some extra money sitting in a high-yield savings account, as opposed to under-prepared and scrambling,” he says.


Inflation's Role in Rising Costs

A man is pictured looking into his wallet to find it empty

Source: Freepik

Rising prices for goods and services, including construction materials and utilities, have contributed to the overall increase in homeownership costs.


Looking Ahead

As California’s housing market continues to evolve, homeowners need to stay informed and prepared for potential cost increases.

Multi-colored houses on a street. Cars are parked outside the houses.

Source: Enric Cruz Lòpez/Pexels

Understanding and planning for these expenses is crucial for maintaining financial stability in the state’s competitive housing environment.
