California Sheriff Used in Harris Campaign Ad Says He Does Not Endorse Her- ‘did nothing’ to Halt Border Cossings

By: Stephanie Bontorin | Published: Aug 15, 2024

A California sheriff who was included in campaign material for Kamala Harris blasted the current VEEP for his likeness in an ad without his permission. He wanted to shout out to his supporters and community members to let them know that he does not endorse the Democratic candidate.

Sheriff Boudreaux says that Harris did not “stop people from illegally crossing the border” during her time as second in command and will not be voting for her as president this fall.

The Sheriff Speaks to Fox News

In a statement to Fox News, the Tulare County sheriff said “In light of a recent political ad put out by Kamala Harris featuring Sheriff Boudreaux, as well as other local law enforcement, the Sheriff wants to make it abundantly clear that his image is being used without his permission, and he does NOT endorse Harris for President or any other political office.”

A sheriff standing at a podium in front of other law enforcement officers as well as an American flag and a California state flag

Source: @KMJNOW/X

He added, “The truth is, Harris never cared about the cartels and did nothing to stop people from illegally crossing the border.”

The Harris Campaign Ad

Although Sheriff Boudreaux says that he never agreed to be used in the ad, he was included in a video anyway.

Kamala Harris standing in front of several law enforcement officers along with an American flag and a California state flag

Source: @CaliforniaGlobe/X

The Tulare County sheriff appears on the screen as a narrator says “Kamala Harris has spent decades fighting violent crime as a border-state prosecutor. She took on drug cartels and jailed gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across the border.”

When the Photo Took Place

The photo that appears in the ad took place while Harris served as the California attorney general.

A photograph of Kamala Harris

Source: Getty Images

A spokesperson for his office claims that “Sheriff Boudreaux vehemently opposes the use of his image in a political ad promoting Kamala Harris.” He also added that during his 40 years of law enforcement, he believes Harris misled the public and misinterpreted his interest by using his likeness.

Her Involvement in Stopping Mexican Cartels

The ad specifically calls out Harris’s trip to “the [Central] Valley in 2014 touting a years-long investigation into a multi-national drug operation, with ties to Mexican drug cartels and prison gangs.”

Kamala Harris wearing a police jacket next to several border guards and the US-Mexico border wall

Source: @HopeisaBison/X

The narrator also promises that Harris will vamp up infrastructure at the border by “hiring thousands more border agents and cracking down on fentanyl and human trafficking,” which Boudreaux said “completely made us mad.”

Other People in the Video Are Unhappy

There are a few other people in the video who were unhappy with being included.

A man stands at a podium in front of another man in a suit and a man wearing a police uniform

Source: @DriverKMJ

Tulare County District Attorney Tim Ward fought against the footage and went on record with Fox News to discuss her “hypocrisy.”


Boudreaux Is Unhappy with Harris's Behaviour

Recalling the day that the photo was first taken, he says that Harris did not “say hello to any of us,” she simply smiled for the cameras and took the credit for the large drug bust.

Kamala Harris standing next to a soldier at Camp Pendleton

Source: Wikimedia

“We were in the green room. She never came in and said hello to any of us. She walked up front, gave her presser, literally walked out, never said hi to any of us,” he said. “I’m disgusted because, you know, she didn’t shake hands. She didn’t say hello. And she’s taken credit for all this work that the locals did.”


Information on the Drug Bust

At the time of the drug bust, 11 people were arrested, including a drug kingpin, Jose Magana.

A man wearing a Tulare County Sheriff uniform speaking into a microphone

Source: @whiteaglesoarng /X

Authorities in the state seized more than 950 marijuana plants, 4 kilograms of cocaine, and 56 pounds of meth.


Harris Increased Funding for Law Enforcement

When the bust occurred, Harris used the successful event to demand more money from then-California Governor Jerry Brown.

Harris speaking at an event holding a microphone

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia

She allegedly asked for more than $7.5 million in funding for her law enforcement budget. The express intent of the increased money was to crack down on drug trafficking statewide.


Harris Has Been Easy on Marijuana Related Offences

Although many people have criticized the current VEEP for keeping men in prisons for very small amounts of weed during her time as California district attorney, she later changed her stance on the casual drug.

A man wearing a black hat smoking weed out of a pipe

Source: Grav/Unsplash

She recently celebrated a number of clemencies, including several ex-convicts who had simple weed convictions.


Changes for Marijuana Convictions

At a White House event following the pardons, Harris announced: “We have pardoned all people for federal convictions for simple marijuana possession.”

A woman rolling a marijuana cigarette

Source: Thought Catalog/Unsplash

Although she made some big claims about the change in weed-related offenses, there are still 2,700 people behind federal bars for small amounts of pot.


The Commercial

When the commercial first launched on August 9, the Harris team probably did not know the sheriff in California would come for her so hard.

A photograph of Kamala Harris during a speech

Source: Wikimedia

Currently, Boudreaux plans on supporting the Republican candidate for presidency in November.
