Dinosaur Footprints Discovered Across the Atlantic Ocean Reveal Prehistoric Supercontinent

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Aug 26, 2024

Researchers have discovered over 260 dinosaur footprints on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean, in Brazil and Cameroon. These footprints are a stunning insight into a time when South America and Africa were part of a single landmass.

This finding provides a new window into the ancient world, shedding light on the prehistoric supercontinent known as Gondwana.

Footprints Separated by Thousands of Miles

The dinosaur tracks were found more than 3,700 miles (6,000 kilometers) apart, in the Borborema region of northeastern Brazil and the Koum Basin of northern Cameroon.

dinosaur tracks

Source: Ismar de Souza Carvalho/Eurekalert

These footprints, made by various dinosaur species, suggest that the continents were once closely connected, allowing dinosaurs to roam freely across what is now a vast ocean.

The Supercontinent Gondwana

Around 140 million years ago, Gondwana was a supercontinent that included present-day South America, Africa, Antarctica, and Australia.

A map showcasing the extent of the Gondwana continent millions of years ago

Source: Wikimedia

The discovery of matching footprints in Brazil and Cameroon indicates that these regions were once part of this giant landmass before tectonic shifts caused them to drift apart, creating the Atlantic Ocean.

Tracking Dinosaur Movements

The footprints, dating back 120 million years, were made by theropods—three-toed meat-eating dinosaurs—and possibly by sauropods and ornithischians.

An artist's depiction of dinosaurs during the Jurassic era

Source: Wikimedia

These tracks, preserved in ancient river and lake sediments, provide valuable clues about dinosaur behavior and migration patterns across Gondwana.

The Role of Ancient River Valleys

Louis L. Jacobs, the lead paleontologist from SMU, explained that ancient river valleys played a crucial role in dinosaur migration.

Aerial photograph of the Colorado River during a clear day

Source: Wikimedia

“Muddy sediments left by the rivers and lakes contain dinosaur footprints, including those of meat-eaters,” Jacobs said, suggesting that these water sources were vital corridors for life to travel between continents.

Evidence of Prehistoric Ecosystems

The sediments where the footprints were found also contain fossil pollen, pointing to a lush, thriving environment.

In the Saurian Age, when the World's inhabitants were gigantic reptiles, by Arthur Mee, 1907, from Harmsworth History of the World Volume 1

Source: The Print Collector/Getty Images

These ancient ecosystems supported a diverse food chain, from plants to herbivores and carnivores, highlighting a vibrant prehistoric world before the continents began to drift apart.


The Continental Drift and Formation of the Atlantic

The separation of South America and Africa began about 140 million years ago. As tectonic plates moved apart, magma from the Earth’s mantle rose, creating new oceanic crust.

A photograph shwocaisng what Gondwana would have looked like

Source: Wikimedia

This process ultimately led to the formation of the South Atlantic Ocean, severing the once-continuous land bridge between the two continents.


Geological Clues in Half-Graben Basins

The dinosaur footprints were found in regions characterized by half-graben basins—geological formations created during the rifting process.

A dinosaur fossil photographed up close.

Source: Markus Spiske/Unsplash

These basins, found in both Brazil and Cameroon, contain ancient river and lake sediments, providing critical evidence of the significant geological events that occurred as Gondwana split apart.


A Tribute to Martin Lockley

The study was published as a tribute to the late paleontologist Martin Lockley, who dedicated much of his career to studying dinosaur tracks.

Left femur bone of Eonophron infernalis.

Kyle L. Atkins-Weltman, et al./Wikimedia Commons

His work has been instrumental in understanding the behavior, movement, and environment of dinosaurs through their preserved footprints.


Connecting Past and Present

The discovery of these footprints not only helps us understand dinosaur behavior but also offers insights into Earth’s geological past.

Tools used by archeologists.

Source: Trnava Universty/Unsplash

By studying these ancient tracks, scientists can reconstruct the prehistoric landscapes and environments that existed before the continents drifted apart.


Implications for Future Research

The findings also open up new possibilities for paleontologists.

A close-up of archeological tools lying on rocks and dirt.

Source: Jumbuk73/Pixabay

Further research could uncover more about the types of dinosaurs that lived on Gondwana, their migration patterns, and how the breakup of the supercontinent impacted their evolution and extinction.


Uncovering Earth’s Hidden History

This discovery is a reminder of the ever-changing nature of our planet.

Archeologists use pickaxes, hammers, and brooms in a pit at a dig site

Source: Dan Porges/Getty Images

As scientists continue to uncover clues from Earth’s deep past, we gain a greater appreciation for the dynamic processes that have shaped our world—and the life that has thrived on it over millions of years.
