How a Weak Electric Field is Defying Gravity and Shaping Earth’s Atmosphere

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Sep 03, 2024

Earth’s upper atmosphere is a battleground between gravity and a subtle yet powerful electric field. This invisible force, known as the ambipolar field, works against gravity, preventing charged particles from escaping our planet too easily.

For over 60 years, scientists suspected its existence, but it wasn’t until NASA’s 2022 Endurance mission that they finally measured this elusive field.

The Genesis of the Ambipolar Field

The ambipolar field forms around 150 miles above Earth, where high-energy photons from the Sun collide with oxygen atoms, knocking electrons loose. This process, called ionization, results in positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons.

A photograph of Earth from space

Source: Wikimedia

These opposing charges create the electric field that binds them together, defying gravity’s pull.

Defying Gravity with an Electric Twist

Electrons, being much lighter than ions, are easily propelled into space. However, ions, which are over 1,836 times heavier, tend to fall back toward Earth.

A photograph of the Earth from space

Source: Wikimedia

The ambipolar field counteracts gravity by creating a bidirectional force: ions are pulled downward while electrons tug them upwards, extending the height of the atmosphere and preventing separation.

A Closer Look at the Polar Wind

Since the late 1960s, spacecraft over Earth’s poles have detected the “polar wind,” a stream of atmospheric particles entering space.

A photograph of Earth from space

Source: Wikimedia

Without it, the polar wind would lose many of its charged particles, fundamentally altering Earth’s atmosphere.

NASA’s Endurance Mission Unveils the Mystery

On May 11, 2022, NASA’s Endurance mission set out to measure the ambipolar field. Launched from Svalbard, a remote Norwegian archipelago near the North Pole, the suborbital rocket reached an altitude of 477 miles.

The NASA Space Center in Houston, Texas

Source: Picryl

It detected a change in electric potential of just 0.55 volts, a small but significant discovery that matched scientists’ predictions about the polar wind.

Small Force, Big Impact

Though the ambipolar field’s strength is comparable to a watch battery, its effects are immense. Hydrogen ions, the lightest and most abundant particles in the polar wind, experience an outward force 10.6 times stronger than gravity.

A photograph of Earth from space

Source: Wikimedia

This force is sufficient to propel them into space at supersonic speeds, showcasing how even a weak electric field can have a substantial impact.


Elevating Earth's Ionosphere

The ambipolar field has a remarkable effect on Earth’s ionosphere. By providing an upward lift to ions, it increases the “scale height” of this atmospheric layer by 271%.

Source: Wikimedia

Source: Freepik

This means the ionosphere remains denser at greater altitudes than it would without the ambipolar field, playing a crucial role in atmospheric dynamics and particle escape.


A Conveyor Belt to Space

Glyn Collinson, principal investigator of the Endurance mission, likened the ambipolar field to a conveyor belt, lifting Earth’s atmosphere into space.

A photograph of Earth from space

Source: Wikimedia

This continuous process not only explains the polar wind but also suggests a new perspective on how atmospheric escape shapes planetary environments, including those beyond Earth.


Implications Beyond Earth

The discovery of the ambipolar field has implications that reach beyond our planet. Scientists now believe that any planet with an atmosphere might have a similar electric field.

A computer-generated image of the planet Mars

Source: Wikimedia

This understanding could be key to studying atmospheric dynamics on Venus, Mars, and potentially habitable exoplanets, broadening our knowledge of planetary evolution.


Future Explorations Inspired by Endurance

The Endurance mission’s findings have paved the way for future explorations. Understanding how the ambipolar field shapes our atmosphere offers clues about Earth’s history and insights into other planets’ atmospheres.

A photograph of the planet Venus

Source: Wikimedia

Researchers are now hoping to explore similar fields on planets with different atmospheric compositions to gain a better understanding.


The Ambipolar Field and Earth's Evolution

Scientists suggest that the ambipolar field, alongside gravity and magnetism, is a fundamental force that has continuously shaped Earth’s atmosphere.

A photograph of Earth from space

Source: Wikimedia

Its discovery marks a milestone in atmospheric science, revealing how our atmosphere has evolved over time and how it might continue to change in the future.


A New Frontier in Atmospheric Science

As scientists continue to explore Earth’s ambipolar field, they are uncovering new mysteries about how it interacts with other atmospheric phenomena.

View Of Earth From Space

Source: NASA/Interim Archives/Getty Images

The study of this electric field is just beginning, promising new discoveries that could reshape our understanding of atmospheric science, both on Earth and across the solar system.
