Musk’s Retweet of Altered Kamala Harris Video Violates X’s Misleading Media Policy

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Jul 29, 2024

Elon Musk, owner of the social media platform X, recently retweeted a parody campaign ad targeting Vice President Kamala Harris.

The retweet was not labeled as misleading, which might violate X’s own policies on misleading content.

The Content of the Video

The video Musk shared includes clips of Harris from a recent campaign video, but with a voiceover that falsely portrays her criticizing President Joe Biden and her own qualifications.

A photograph of Kamala Harris

Source: Getty Images

The altered video was posted by a YouTube account named “Mr Reagan” and was labeled as a parody. However, the lack of a label on Musk’s retweet raises concerns.

Voiceover Details

In the altered video, a voice mimicking Harris says, “I, Kamala Harris, am your Democrat candidate for president because Joe Biden finally exposed his senility at the debate.”

Harris speaking at an event holding a microphone

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia

The voiceover goes on to describe Harris as the “ultimate diversity hire” due to her gender and race, adding a layer of racial and gender-based mockery.

Campaign Response

Harris campaign spokesperson Mia Ehrenberg strongly condemned Musk and former President Donald Trump.

A photograph of a researcher speaking with reporters

Source: Freepik

She stated, “We believe the American people want the real freedom, opportunity, and security Vice President Harris is offering; not the fake, manipulated lies of Elon Musk and Donald Trump.”

Potential Deepfake Concerns

Alexios Mantzarlis, director of the Security, Trust, and Safety Initiative at Cornell Tech, suggested that the altered content could be considered a deepfake.

A woman is pictured texting on her phone

Source: Freepik

He noted, “In recent-ish elections in Argentina, India, and elsewhere, we saw deepfakes being used primarily for surface-level deception.” This raises the stakes for identifying and labeling such content.

X’s Misleading Media Policy

X’s policy on misleading media states, “You may not share synthetic, manipulated, or out-of-context media that may deceive or confuse people and lead to harm.”

A phtotogrpah of a smartphone screen which displays social media icons

Source: Wikimedia

The policy also mentions that posts containing misleading media may be labeled to provide context, a step that was definitely not taken in Musk’s retweet.


Senator Klobuchar's Reaction

Senator Amy Klobuchar accused Musk of violating X’s own policy, writing on X, “If @elonmusk and X let this go and don’t label it as altered AI content, they’ll be unleashing an entire election season of fake AI voice and image-altered content with no limits.”

A reporter is pictured taking notes

Source: Freepik

Her statement refers to the potential consequences of unchecked misleading media.


Previous Instances of AI Manipulation

This is not the first instance of AI-manipulated content in this campaign. Earlier this year, a political consultant used AI to create a robocall impersonating Biden, falsely discouraging participation in New Hampshire’s primary election.

A photograph of Joe Biden on stage

Source: Wikimedia

Such incidents highlight the growing use of AI in spreading political misinformation.


The Impact of Musk's Retweet

Musk’s retweet of the video had been viewed nearly 128 million times by the time of this writing.

Elon Musk with arms folded

Source: Wikimedia

The spread of potentially misleading content is stirring up serious concerns about its influence on public perception and the integrity of our election process.


Calls for Accountability

Various stakeholders are calling for greater accountability in how social media platforms handle misleading content.

Elon Musk talking wearing a suit in 2023.

Source: UK Government/Wikimedia Commons

The Harris campaign and other political figures emphasize the need for transparency and adherence to platform policies to prevent the spread of misinformation.


The Role of Social Media in Elections

The controversy shows the critical role of social media in modern political campaigns.

A smartphone with a social media folder open. The apps in the folder are Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (X).

Source: dole777/Unsplash

With the increasing use of AI and deepfakes, the challenge of ensuring the authenticity of content is more significant than ever, necessitating robust policies and vigilant enforcement.


Future Implications

The incident with Musk’s retweet serves as a cautionary tale about the power and responsibility of social media platforms.

Elon Musk in 2020 with a Neuralink machine.

Source: Steve Jurvetson/Wikimedia Commons

As the November election rapidly approaches, the importance of identifying and addressing misleading content will be vital in maintaining a fair and informed democratic process.
