Trump Vows to Reshape U.S. Government with Musk at the Helm

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Sep 06, 2024

Donald Trump and Elon Musk have seemingly teamed up to overhaul the federal government. Trump announced that Musk would lead a government efficiency commission aimed at saving trillions by eliminating fraud and waste.

This unexpected, albeit unsurprising partnership is a bold move that highlights supposed Trump’s focus on cutting inefficiencies in Washington.

Musk Agrees to Lead Efficiency Commission

In a speech to the Economic Club of New York, Trump revealed that Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur behind Tesla and SpaceX, had agreed to lead the commission. Musk, who was once a critic of Trump, has recently endorsed his campaign.

Elon Musk talking wearing a suit in 2023.

Source: UK Government/Wikimedia Commons

“I look forward to serving America if the opportunity arises,” Musk wrote on X, adding that he would do so without pay or recognition.

Targeting Government Waste and Fraud

Trump’s efficiency commission is tasked with conducting a financial audit of the federal government. He cited fraud and improper payments as major issues, claiming they cost taxpayers “hundreds of billions of dollars” annually.

U.S. President Donald Trump looks on

Source: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Within six months, the commission would presumably recommend drastic reforms to cut waste.

Trump’s Ambitious Plan to Slash Regulations

Alongside the efficiency commission, Trump laid out a sweeping plan to reduce government regulations. He vowed to eliminate 10 regulations for every new one passed if elected in 2024.

Donald Trump pointing with his hand

Source: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

This move aims to ease the burden on businesses, especially those in manufacturing. Trump emphasized that cutting red tape would help American companies thrive and compete globally, a major theme of his economic vision.

Musk’s Role in Shaping Future Policies

As the head of the efficiency commission, Musk’s experience with streamlining operations at Tesla and SpaceX is expected to play a key role in reducing bureaucratic inefficiencies.

Elon Musk with small facial hair wearing a black suit

Source: @_wake_up_USA/X

His technological expertise could, in theory, bring fresh ideas to Washington, potentially improving government operations and making the federal system more responsive to citizens’ needs.

A Look Back: Musk’s Initial Criticism of Trump

It wasn’t always smooth sailing between the two. Musk once described Trump as “too old” to serve another term and publicly distanced himself from the former president.

A smartphone with a social media folder open. The apps in the folder are Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (X).

Source: dole777/Unsplash

However, the tide turned in 2022 when Musk endorsed Trump’s bid for reelection, marking a shift from rivalry to partnership.


The Efficiency Commission’s Precedents

While Trump’s plan sounds ambitious, it isn’t the first time a president has attempted to reform the federal government. Ronald Reagan launched the Grace Commission in the 1980s to cut waste, and Bill Clinton’s administration formed the National Partnership for Reinventing Government.

An image of Ronald Reagan smiling in the White House

Source: Wikimedia

Trump’s commission, led by Musk, would emphasize a more unique private sector-driven approach to fixing inefficiencies.


Expanding the Vision: Boosting U.S. Manufacturing

Trump also proposed slashing corporate taxes for companies that manufacture domestically. By lowering the tax rate from 21% to 15%, he aims to bring more jobs back to the U.S.

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a roundtable on the economy and tax reform

Source: Adam Bettcher/Getty Images

He also plans to create “low-tax” zones on federal land where construction companies would be encouraged to build homes.


A New Era of Homebuilding on Federal Lands

Trump’s economic vision includes opening up federal lands for homebuilding to tackle the housing crisis.

A photograph of Donald Trump yelling

Source: Wikimedia

By establishing “low-tax” and “low-regulation” zones, he hopes to spur housing development, though critics argue that many federal lands are in remote areas with low demand.


Musk’s Take on the Economy

Musk, who has led some of the world’s most innovative companies, is now poised to help reform the U.S. government. In a podcast, he discussed his interest in serving on the efficiency commission.

A photograph of Elon Musk

Source: Wikimedia

He has long been critical of bureaucratic red tape and sees an opportunity to apply his knowledge of efficiency to the public sector.


Reactions from Government Workers and Unions

Not everyone is on board with the Trump-Musk plan. Everett Kelley, president of the American Federation of Government Employees, criticized the efficiency commission, claiming it aims to gut the civil service and replace workers with Trump allies.

A photograph of Donald Trump on stage at an event

Source: Wikimedia

In a statement to Reuters, he accused Trump and Musk of wanting to undermine the nonpartisan nature of the federal workforce.


What’s Next for Trump and Musk’s Alliance?

As the 2024 election approaches, Trump and Musk’s partnership could play a considerable role in reshaping the U.S. government. If Trump wins the presidency, his efficiency commission, led by Musk, could drastically reform federal operations.

Chief Technology Officer of X Elon Musk speaks onstage

Source: Richard Bord/WireImage

Their alliance, once unthinkable, now stands at the center of Trump’s broader strategy to, in their eyes, modernize and streamline Washington.
