Gov. Kristi Noem Banned From Tribal Lands In South Dakota

By: May Man Published: May 23, 2024

All nine indigenous tribes in South Dakota have voted to ban Governor Kristi Noem from entering their lands.

On Tuesday, the executive council of the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe decided to ban the Republican governor from its reservation. In response to a request for comment on Wednesday, the tribe shared a summary of its president’s interactions with Noem prior to the vote.

Flandreau President Calls For Emergency Meeting

According to the summary, Flandreau President Tony Reider called an emergency meeting over the weekend due to Noem’s remarks, which was “contentious at times, as some members vocalized their opposition.”

aerial view of four people in a business meeting

Source: Cookie_Studio, Freepik

Following the emergency meeting, Reider arranged a discussion with the governor’s office on Monday, which was described as “respectful and productive.”

Ban Is Imminent

“President Reider informed the governor that a ban from our territories is imminent and requested that the Governor refrain from making future blanket statements that offend the tribes within the boundaries of the State of South Dakota, some of which depend on state services for the needs of their people”

Hand holding a stop sign

Source: RawPixel, Freepik

“It was recommended that the Governor clarify her statements and issue an apology to all tribal nations for the misunderstanding,” the readout said. “Until such a time, the Executive Council and the people of the Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe stand with our fellow nations.”

Noem’s Comments Seen As Provoking

This decision followed similar actions by other tribes in South Dakota, provoked by Noem’s comments made earlier this year. During a town hall meeting, she claimed that tribal leaders were benefiting from drug cartels in the state and prioritizing these cartels over parenting their children.

Kristi Noem is sitting around a table with others. Bottles of water and boxes are on the table.

Source: Lance Cheung/Wikimedia Commons

Noem has reiterated her stance, asserting that Mexican drug cartels are prevalent on Native American reservations in South Dakota.

Multiple Tribes Vote To Bar Noem

These remarks triggered a series of responses from tribes, leading them to vote to bar Noem from their lands.

South Dakota land with buffalo

Source: Jack Kendrick, X

According to The Argus Leader of South Dakota, local citizens had been pressuring the leaders of the Flandreau Santee Sioux to respond to Noem’s comments.

Noem Wants To “Speak Truth”

In a statement to CNN on Wednesday, Noem did not directly address the ban but expressed her desire to collaborate with tribal leaders.

Kristi Noem in a red blazer speaking into a microphone.

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

“I only want to speak truth to the real challenges that are being faced in some areas of Indian Country. I want to focus on solutions that lead to safer communities for all our families, educational outcomes for all our children, and declining addiction numbers for all our people.


Noem Wants Tribal Leadership To Cooperate

We cannot tackle these issues without addressing the problem: dangerous criminals who perpetuate violence and illegal activities in all areas of our state,” Noem said in the statement.

Close up of man trying to break into car

Source: Freepik

“We need to take action. It is my hope tribal leadership will take the opportunity to work with me to be an example of how cooperation is better for all people rather than political attacks.”


Unwelcomed In Many Tribal Lands

Earlier in May, the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribe and the Yankton Sioux Tribe decided to prohibit Noem from entering their reservations.

Flag of Cheyenne River Sioux

Source: Xasartha, Wikimedia

Earlier this year, the Standing Rock Sioux, Crow Creek Sioux, Rosebud, Cheyenne River Sioux, Oglala Sioux, and Lower Brule Sioux tribes also voted to ban her from their lands.


Noem’s Book Raised Eyebrows

These votes came as Noem gained national attention for anecdotes from her recently released book, which included descriptions of her killing her 14-month-old wirehair pointer, Cricket, and an unnamed goat, as well as claims of meetings with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and the cancellation of a meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron.

woman reading a book on a chair

Source: jcomp, Freepik

Noem and her staff later indicated the Kim anecdote did not happen and should not have been included in the book, and French officials denied any meeting between Macron and Noem ever took place.


“Invasion” of Immigrants

Before the release of her book, Noem was considered a potential vice presidential pick for Donald Trump in 2024, but her standing has since diminished.

A group of migrants being kept inside a cage.

Source: @OregonBlondi/X

Noem has not moderated her rhetoric about tribes and Mexican cartels. Instead, she continues to emphasize the importance of border security and has warned of an “invasion” of immigrants at the Southern border between Texas and Mexico. She has scheduled press conferences on border security and its impact on South Dakota.


Protecting The Border Wall

Noem states “Banishing me does nothing to solve this problem or to help those who are suffering horrific tragedies,” Noem said in a statement from her office last week. “Yesterday, I returned home from the dangerous, deadly warzone at our nation’s Southern Border.

An aerial view of the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona seen in the daytime.

Source: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

“South Dakota National Guard soldiers have helped the Texas National Guard construct miles of border wall in 100-degree weather to keep the American people safe – and keep cartel-driven drugs and human trafficking out of our great country.”


Training For Tribal Law Enforcement

In recent months, Noem and other top South Dakota officials have introduced new programs for tribal law enforcement. In April, Noem and state Attorney General Marty Jackley launched a certification program to expedite training for local law enforcement.

A border police officer in a green shirt while on duty at the border

Source: Adobe Stock

Earlier this month, Noem appointed Algin Young, previously the chief of police for the Pine Ridge Reservation, as South Dakota’s Tribal Law Enforcement Liaison.
