Here’s How Kamala Harris Became the Leader of the Democratic Party

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Aug 03, 2024

Kamala Harris appears set to run against Donald Trump in this year’s presidential election after it was announced that Joe Biden would be stepping aside, essentially handing the reins of the Democratic party to his former vice president.

It’s been a remarkable journey for Kamala Harris to ascend to the leadership of the Democratic Party. Here’s a look at her path and the events that could result in her becoming the 47th President of the United States.

Joe Biden Steps Down

In the weeks before Joe Biden stepped down as the Democrat’s 2024 presidential candidate, many had lost faith in the former Delaware senator, as it was clear his health had declined in recent months.

A photograph of Joe Biden

Source: Wikimedia

Donna Brazile, the former Democratic Party chair, and Bakari Sellers, the former South Carolina lawmaker, had already been working in the background to find a replacement for Biden, and they knew their best option was Kamala Harris.

Is Kamala Harris Ready to Become President?

Various associates had already been in contact with Brazile, many of whom questioned her decision. “I had people call me and say, ‘Is the vice president ready?’ I said, ‘No, she wants Joe Biden. She is sticking with Joe Biden,’” Brazile recalled, per The Washington Post.

A photograph of Kamala Harris

Source: Getty Images

Brazile and Sellers were adamant that Harris could not be overlooked as an option. “I said, ‘Oh hell no, you are not taking Vice President Harris out. That is not going to happen,’” Brazile explained.

The Association of Democrats Decides to Back Harris

Two days before Biden announced he was stepping down, Ken Martin organized a meeting of the executive committee for the Association of State Democratic Committees. At the meeting, the attendees committed to voting for Biden if he followed through with running for reelection. If not, they decided they would fully back Harris.

A photograph of several people meeting for a discussion in a small office

Source: Freepik

“There is a real need to unify. Time is not on our side. We can’t have internal conversations over a month that focuses us inward,” Martin said. “There was nobody that objected to that executive committee call.”

Harris Emerges as the Favorite to Become Democrat Nominee

Biden officially withdrew from the presidential race on July 21. Within 32 hours, Harris had already emerged as the favorite to clinch the Democratic nomination and their best option to reduce the likelihood of a second Trump administration.

Supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris react to her speaking during a campaign rally at West Allis Central High School

Source: Getty Images

“If she’d had to raise money starting from zero, hire her first staff, open her first office, and do all of that right out of the gate, I don’t know that she would have had time to execute. What we saw was the exact inverse of that,” said Robby Mook, the campaign manager for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential bid. “She inherited everything that had already been built and then expanded it at an extremely rapid rate.”

All Hands on Deck for Harris

All hands were on deck for the transition from a Biden to Harris campaign, and the latter was certain she could gain the confidence of the entire Democratic party.

A photograph of Kamala Harris during a speech

Source: Wikimedia

Social media accounts related to Biden-Harris would need updating, Kamala’s website would need a fresh look, and, of course, more than anything, she would be a fresh influx of American cash. Six minutes after Biden’s endorsement, a post shared by Harris’ team read: “Donate to her campaign here.”


Democrats Believe Harris Can Defeat Trump

By Monday morning following the announcement, new fliers had been produced for the Harris campaign. The following day, the Vice President arrived in Wisconsin to deliver a speech in what turned out to be one of the largest Democratic events since 2020.

A photograph of Donald Trump

Source: Wikimedia

“At the end of the day, for all my days, I will be so proud of what these guys did. They did it because they believed in the boss. And they did it because they never lost sight of what this was about. This was about beating Donald Trump,” O’Malley Dillon said. “They became a team. From the leadership on down, they became a team.”


Campaign Funds Come Pouring In

In the seven days following her official announcement, Harris raised over $200 million for her presidential campaign, 66% of which came from new donors.

A photograph showcasing a large amount of American cash

Source: Freepik

“We knew the potential was there, but to see it realized and realized so quickly is historic,” said Quentin James, a Democratic organizer who helped put together the call for Black men.


Overwhelming Support From the Black Community

According to James, he was on vacation in Cancun when he learned that Harris was running for president.

A photograph of a black man and woman

Source: Freepik

“Over 100,000 African Americans in 48 hours raising over $4 million,” he said. “It shows the potential we have to transform the nation.”


Tulsi Gabbard Debates Harris in 2019

Despite the overwhelming support from the Black community, conservatives were quick to remind Americans of the accusations brought against Harris by Tulsi Gabbard during CNN’s Democratic presidential debate in 2019.

A photograph of Tulsi Gabbard

Source: Wikimedia

Gabbard claims Harris’ time as a prosecutor negatively affected thousands of Black Americans. According to Gabbard, Harris willingly attempted to keep people in prison in an attempt to obtain cheap labor for the state of California. She also argued the former Senator willingly withheld evidence that would have “freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so.”


Harris Gears up for Battle With Trump

Harris will face the same kind of accusations as she gears up to confront Trump in the coming moments. However, the Democrats are confident the former senator has what it takes to become president.

A photograph of Kamala Harris

Source: Wikimedia

The democratic nominee has requested campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez, her old adviser from 2020, and O’Malley Dillon, Biden’s 2020 campaign manager, to stay on and help become the next POTUS.


The Harris Honeymoon

Democrats and Republicans are calling the recent turn of events the “Harris Honeymoon.” However, the real question is how long will it last. Nonetheless, many suggest progressive leaders have regained their footing mere months before Amercians are set to vote.

A photograph of Kamala Harris onstage at an event

Source: Wikimedia

The chaos that resulted following Biden’s attempt to run despite being unfit for the task has passed. Sam Cornale, the executive director of the DNC, states, “The amount of immensely talented people turning this battleship on a dime was really incredible,” alluding to the idea that Harris has a real chance to beat Trump.
