How Much Do You Know About the Great Wall of China?

By: Beth Moreton | Published: Apr 06, 2024

The Great Wall of China has existed for centuries, and many people visit it every year.

But how much do you know about the Great Wall of China? Take this quiz and find out.

Which Year Did Construction on the Great Wall of China Begin?

  • A) 14th Century
  • B) 5th Century BC
  • C) 3rd Century BC
  • D) 12th Century
An image of the Great Wall of China. The wall goes up a hill and is surrounded by green trees and bushes.

Source: William Olivieri/Unsplash

Answer: 3rd Century BC

An image of the Great Wall of China. There are three people at the bottom of the wall who are walking upwards.

Source: Joel Danielson/Unsplash

How Long Did Construction of the Great Wall of China Go On?

  • A) 1,000 years
  • B) 700 years
  • C) 250 years
  • D) 20 years
An image of the Great Wall of China. As the wall is going upwards it curves round to the right. The wall is on a hill and there are hills behind it.

Source: William Olivieri/Unsplash

Answer: 1,000 years

An image from the steps of the Great Wall of China. There are some people on the steps further ahead from where the photo is being taken.

Source: Ajmal MK/Unsplash

Who Masterminded the Great Wall of China?

  • A) Qin Shi Huang
  • B) El Rallo Maquin
  • C) Shu Ming Sal
  • D) Carlos
The Great Wall of China at sunset. The wall goes up a hill and then curves around to the left.

Source: Usukhbayar Gankhuyag/Unsplash


Answer: Qin Shi Huang

A statue of Qin Shi Huang.

Source: Tris T7/Wikimedia Commons


Which Dynasty Was Responsible for the First Construction of the Great Wall of China?

  • A) Han Dynasty
  • B) Tang Dynasty
  • C) Qin Dynasty
  • D) Ming Dynasty
The Great Wall of China. People are walking across the wall at various points.

Source: Rita Chou/Unsplash


Answer: Qin Dynasty

A painted pottery vessel from the Qin Dynasty. The vessel is grey and has red, yellow, and white dots and lines painted on it.

Source: BabelStone/Wikimedia Commons


How Many People, Approximately, Died During the Construction of the Great Wall of China?

  • A) 400,000
  • B) 250,000
  • C) 3 million
  • D) 2 million
The Great Wall of China in daylight. The wall follows the hills around.

Source: William Christen/Unsplash


Answer: 400,000

A painting of the Great Wall of China. The painting starts looking through a hole in a brick wall, where you can see the wall go across some hills. Some people are walking along the wall.

Source: Robert Nyman/Unsplash


Why Was the Great Wall of China Built?

  • A) To defend China from Nomadic Tribes
  • B) To separate China from India
  • C) To prevent prisoners from escaping to other countries
  • D) To prevent invasive species of animals from praying on native species
The Great Wall of China during winter. There is some snow on parts of the hills. The wall follows the hills up and around.

Source: Max van den Oetelaar/Unsplash


Answer: To defend China from Nomadic Tribes

A black and white drawing of some nomadic tribes in Asia. One person is on top of a horse and the other is on top of a cow. They are surrounded by a camel, sheep, and a donkey.

Source: New York Ward, Lock/Wikimedia Commons


How High Is the Great Wall of China, Roughly?

  • A) 50 feet
  • B) 100 feet
  • C) 15 feet
  • D) 25 feet
The Great Wall of China during winter. There is snow on the steps of the wall. The wall goes down and then back up the hill.

Source: Rafik Wahba/Unsplash


Answer: 25 feet

The Great Wall of China during summer. The photo is taken from some steps going down and is surrounded by green trees and bushes.

Source: Johannes Plenio/Unsplash


How Wide Is the Great Wall of China at the Base?

  • A) 21 feet
  • B) 15 feet
  • C) 5 feet
  • D) 10 feet
The Great Wall of China. The photo is taken from inside the wall and shows a person walking ahead. The wall can be seen going up a hill in the distance.

Source: Victoriano Izquierdo/Unsplash


Answer: 21 feet

The Great Wall of China. The wall is going up and there is a person in a red jacket about to walk up the steps of the wall.

Source: Sid Verma/Unsplash


How High Is the Highest Point of the Great Wall of China?

  • A) 5,150 feet
  • B) 4,505 feet
  • C) 4,722 feet
  • D) 4,657 feet
An aerial view of the Great Wall of China. Some people can be seen walking along the wall and there are green bushes and trees on either side of it.

Source: Micha Brändli/Unsplash


Answer: 4,722 feet

An image from the Great Wall of China, right before some steps leading to a higher part of the wall. People are walking up the steps towards the top of the wall.

Source: Mikaela Wiedenhoff


What Is the Great Wall of China Primarily Made From?

  • A) Brick
  • B) Stone
  • C) Wood
  • D) Dirt
An aerial view of the Great Wall of China. The view shows some steps going upwards with people on the steps. Green trees are on either side of the wall.

Source: Jamie Street/Unsplash


Answers: Stone

The Great Wall of China from an aerial view. People are walking along the wall at various points. Trees in fall surround the wall.

Source: Hanson Lu/Unsplash


Which Mortar Was Not Used to Build the Great Wall of China?

  • A) Lime
  • B) Clay
  • C) Rice flour
  • D) Crushed stone
The Great Wall of China during summer. People are walking along the wall at various points.

Source: Bruce Röttgers/Unsplash


Answer: Crushed stone

A close-up image of the Great Wall of China. The wall curves around and goes up and a couple of people are walking up it.

Source: Wilson Ye/Unsplash


What Material Was Not Used When Building the Great Wall of China?

  • A) Granite
  • B) Brick
  • C) Mounded earth
  • D) Concrete
An aerial view of the Great Wall of China. The wall can be seen from towards the bottom of a hill and going up and around.

Source: William Olivieri/Unsplash


Answer: Concrete

The Great Wall of China. The wall goes up a hill and there are green trees and bushes on either side of it.

Source: William Olivieri/Unsplash


Where Can the Great Wall of China Be Seen From?

  • A) The moon
  • B) The Earth’s orbit
  • C) Mars
  • D) The sun
The Great Wall of China from inside the wall. The wall is going up and round and there is a large tree to the left of it.

Source: Andrew Scarborough/Unsplash


Answer: The Moon

The full moon in a black sky.

Source: Gravitatas/Wikimedia Commons


Which Dynasty Finished Construction on the Great Wall of China?

  • A) Ming Dynasty
  • B) Qin Dynasty
  • C) Han Dynasty
  • D) Tang Dynasty
An image of the Great Wall of China from inside the wall. It is leading up to a building within the wall.

Source: Courtney Hall/Unsplash


Answer: Ming Dynasty

A golden statue from the Ming Dynasty. The status is holding one hand to the side while the other is against the body. It has a crown on its head.

Source: Mary Harrsch/Wikimedia Commons


Which Is the Most Famous Section of the Great Wall of China?

  • A) Mutianyu
  • B) Jiankou
  • C) Badaling
  • D) Simatai
An aerial view of the Great Wall of China. People are walking along the wall at different points.

Source: Chastagner Thierry/Unsplash


Answer: Badaling

The Badaling section of the Great Wall of China. There are crowds of people walking up the wall.

Source: DF08/Wikimedia Commons
