Ignorant Tourists Destroy Ancient Rock Formations at Lake Mead
On April 7, 2024, two unidentified men climbed the natural ancient rock formations at Lake Mead Recreation Area and made the ill-judged decision to destroy them.
The incident was caught on video, and now, Lake Mead Park Rangers are asking for the public’s help identifying the vandals. If they are found, the men could face criminal charges, fines for destroying government property, and even jail time.
The Incredible Beauty of Lake Mead
The Lake Mead National Recreation Area is one of the United States awe-inspiring National Parks. Located in Arizona, this park hosts an average of 7 million visitors every year.

Source: Reddit
Americans and international tourists alike love to see the incredible natural rock formations, the Lake Mead Reservoir, and the majestic views of Arizona’s strange and alluring landscapes.
Lake Mead Reservoir Is an Important Landmark
In addition to the beauty and magic that the Lake Mead National Recreation Area provides, it is also home to the Lake Mead Reservoir, which is an exceptionally important landmark.

Source: Britannica
The human-made lake was created in 1935 thanks to the construction of the Hoover Dam. But the Lake Mead Reservoir isn’t just an engineering marvel, it also ensures that the several surrounding states have ample drinking water throughout the year.
Caring for America's National Parks Is an Important Job
The United States and its citizens are exceptionally proud of the country’s 63 National Parks. Each has a unique landscape, natural beauty, and rich history. To protect these important landmarks, the US established the National Parks Service in 1916.

Source: NPS.gov
These men and women work tirelessly to ensure the parks are protected from humans who do not respect their natural beauty; however, as the parks range for hundreds of miles, it’s physically impossible for them to note all comings and goings.
Visitors Have Long Been Considered the Eyes and Ears of the Parks Service
The US Department of Homeland Security originally implemented the slogan “If you see something, say something,” after the terror attacks in NYC on September 11, 2001. But this message has become common practice throughout the US National Parks where it’s extremely important that visitors follow the rules in place.

Source: Reddit/Reddit
Because the parks are so vast and often dangerous, Park Rangers ask that any visitor who sees potentially harmful wildlife, crimes taking place, or even people where they’re not supposed to be, contact their on-site offices immediately. That phone call could help save a crime from being committed, or sometimes, even save a life.
Visitors to Lake Mead Recreation Area Recorded a Crime Last Week
On April 7, 2024, one visitor to the Lake Mead Recreation Area noticed two men climbing a restricted area of natural rock formations. This visitor was certainly concerned by the men’s actions as they weren’t admiring the rocks, they were destroying them.

Source: @FOX5LasVegas/YouTube
The visitor then started recording a damning video on their phone that clearly shows the men knocking down rocks that had formed over 140 million years ago.
An Irreversible Crime
The video has since gone viral and the world is completely appalled that anyone would commit such a heinous and unrewarding crime. The men get nothing from demolishing the rocks, but a rich part of America’s natural history is gone forever.

Source: NPS.gov
As John Haynes, a spokesperson for the park explained, “Why on earth would you do this to this area that’s so beautiful? It’s one of my favorite places in the park and they’re up there just destroying it. I don’t understand that.”
The US National Parks Service Is Asking for Help
Thanks to the video, the faces of the two men are visible; however, no one yet knows who they are. But the Lake Mead National Parks Service has posted a still of the clip on its Instagram page in the hopes that a follower may be able to identify the men.

Source: @Lakemeadnps/Instagram
The Lake Mead NPS wrote, “Information from visitors is often very helpful to investigators. If you were on the Redstone Dunes Trail on the evening of Sunday, April 7, 2024, or if you have information that could help identify the suspects, please submit a tip. You don’t have to tell us who you are, but please tell us what you know.”
It’s Highly Likely That the Men Will Be Identified Soon
Because this story has made the national news and gone viral on social media, authorities are hopeful that the two vandals will be identified very soon.

Source: @FOX5LasVegas/YouTube
There are already a few comments on the Instagram post with potential names, though the US NPS has yet to release a statement that confirms the men have been identified or charged.
What Will Happen When They Are Identified?
If, or more likely when, these men are identified, they will undoubtedly be questioned by the local authorities. They could face federal charges, and if found guilty, serve time in prison for their vandalism.

Source: Freepik
The men could also be saddled with huge fines for their egregious actions, and will most likely be banned from the LAke Mead Recreational Area and every other National Park for life.
Park Rangers Have Asked that Visitors Continue to Take Videos Like This in the Future
While they search for the two criminals, the NPS has also told the general public that these kinds of videos are extremely helpful in caring for the country’s many national wonders.

Source: @FOX5LasVegas/YouTube
Haynes told the press that every visitor should take it upon themselves to video any unusual activity during their visit and send it in as soon as possible. He said, “It’s really important for you to just let us know.”
This Story Reminds Us to Treasure Our Natural History
From the Grand Canyon to Arches National Park, the United States is unquestionably home to some of the most beautiful and unique natural landscapes of any country on the planet. Its National Parks attract tens of millions of visitors from near and far every year who wonder at the magnificent environment.

Source: Freepik
This story is a reminder that we need to treasure our natural world, not destroy it. It is an important part of our planet’s rich and long history and should never be taken for granted.