Influencers Unknowingly Caught in Russian Propaganda Scheme Ahead of 2024 Election

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Sep 06, 2024

Russia has once again been accused of interfering in U.S. elections, but this time with a new twist.

Federal officials say right-wing American influencers were unknowingly used in a covert Russian propaganda scheme ahead of the 2024 presidential election. Incidentally, two Russian media employees have been charged for their role in this deception.

Secret Funding and Big Influencers Involved

According to the Justice Department, RT employees funneled nearly $10 million into a Tennessee company to spread Kremlin propaganda through social media. High-profile conservative influencers, some of whom had millions of followers, were recruited without knowing the true source of the funding.

A phtotogrpah of a smartphone screen which displays social media icons

Source: Wikimedia

These influencers, including popular names like Tim Pool and Benny Johnson, had no idea they were part of a Russian operation.

The Tennessee Connection

The indictment revealed that the Russian state media broadcaster RT funneled money to a Tennessee company, Tenet Media.

A photograph of a microphone inside a recording studio

Source: Wikimedia

Founded by conservative YouTuber Lauren Chen and her husband Liam Donovan, Tenet Media worked with RT staffers to recruit influencers. These influencers then created content without realizing they were amplifying Russian-backed messages.

Uncovering the Real Agenda

While the influencers believed they were simply promoting conservative viewpoints, the indictment suggests otherwise.

Russian flag

Source: fabrikasmif, Freepik

The content they created aligned with the Kremlin’s goals, such as weakening U.S. support for Ukraine. One request from RT involved creating a video falsely blaming Ukraine for a terrorist attack in Moscow—a clear attempt to push Russia’s narrative in the U.S.

An Ongoing Pattern of Election Interference

This is far from the first time Russia has attempted to interfere in U.S. elections.

A close-up of a phone that is open to the 2020 presidential election race and its Electoral College count.

Source: Clay Banks/Unsplash

Intelligence officials have long warned about foreign influence operations, and the charges against RT employees highlight that these efforts are only intensifying.

How It Happened Without Anyone Knowing

One of the most startling aspects of this operation is how easily it went undetected by the influencers involved. The indictment says Tenet Media’s founders concealed their Russian ties, claiming instead to be backed by a wealthy European banker.

Soldier in a special operation monitoring room

Source: Freepik

By hiding their true funding source, RT was able to secretly influence millions of Americans through popular conservative voices.


A Lucrative Deal for Influencers

The money involved in this scheme was staggering. Some influencers were paid $400,000 a month, with a $100,000 signing bonus, for just four videos a week.

A photograph of a large amount of cash placed in a metal box

Source: Wikimedia

The financial backing helped the content reach massive audiences. One influencer’s videos alone amassed over 16 million views, unknowingly spreading Kremlin-backed messages far and wide.


Influencers Speak Out

After the Justice Department revealed the scheme, several influencers involved issued statements denying any knowledge of the Russian connections.

A woman dressed in a shirt looks at her smartphone with a concerned face

Source: Freepik

Tim Pool and David Rubin described themselves as victims, with Pool stating, “Should these allegations prove true, I was deceived.” The influencers maintain they had full editorial control over their content and were unaware of any outside influence.


How Russia Adapted Its Strategy

Russia’s methods of interference have evolved since its efforts in 2016. This time, instead of using fake personas, the Kremlin took a different approach: using real, well-known influencers with established followings.

In this photo illustration, the logo of US online social media and social networking site 'X'

Source: Matt Cardy/Getty Images

This allowed the operation to seem more legitimate, as the influencers brought their own trusting audiences into the fold.


The Role of RT in Election Interference

RT, Russia’s state-controlled media outlet, has been at the center of this operation. After its U.S. channel shut down following the invasion of Ukraine, RT found a new way to reach American audiences—through social media.

Close-up Photography of Smartphone Icons

Source: Pixabay/Pexels

By funding influencers, RT was able to spread its message without a physical presence on U.S. airwaves, keeping its operations under the radar.


U.S. Government Responds

The U.S. government has not only charged the RT employees involved but also seized 32 internet domains linked to other Russian influence operations.

A woman with silver jewelry holding her phone

Source: Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash

These efforts are part of a broader crackdown on foreign interference, especially as the U.S. prepares for the 2024 election.


What This Means for Future Elections

As the 2024 election nears, U.S. officials are increasingly concerned about the potential for more covert operations.

A woman is pictured with an unusual face as she uses her smartphone

Source: Wikimedia

This particular Russian propaganda scheme serves as a reminder of the lengths foreign actors will go to sway U.S. public opinion—and the need for constant vigilance in the digital age.
