Kamala Harris Dreamed of Stopping Cops Responding to Emergency Calls

By: May Man Published: Aug 24, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris once suggested that police officers might not need to be the primary responders in American communities.

This view appears surprisingly idealistic considering her extensive background in law enforcement.

Harris Addresses Police Demilitarization at 2019 Campaign Forum

In June 2019, while serving as a U.S. Senator and running for president in the Democratic primary, Harris attended the Poor People’s Campaign Forum.

A photograph of Kamala Harris during a speech

Source: Wikimedia

During the event, she was asked about the possibility of demilitarizing police departments nationwide.

Redefining Community Emergency Responses

Harris suggested a shift in how communities handle public emergencies, proposing a future where police might not be needed as first responders.

An NYPD police car pulled up on the side of the road.

Source: Joshua Armstrong/Unsplash

“[W]e really need to get to a point where communities frankly don’t need, don’t need a law enforcement response to what’s happening in their communities because they are safe communities,” Harris stated.

Advocates Propose Mental Health Professionals’ Help

Advocates for “defunding the police” argue that unarmed, publicly funded mental health professionals could be a better alternative to police officers when responding to 911 calls.

People in a Psychotherapy Session

Source: Antoni Shkraba/Pexels

Their goal is to reduce violent encounters with suspected criminals.

Harris’s Pre-Floyd Remarks

Harris’s remarks on reducing law enforcement’s role were made before George Floyd’s death while in the custody of Minneapolis police.

A photograph of Kamala Harris

Source: Getty Images

This event significantly heightened tensions between Black Americans and law enforcement.

Contrasting Views

Harris’s comments stood in stark contrast to her earlier views as the District Attorney of San Francisco and the Attorney General of California.

Harris speaking at an event holding a microphone

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia

In those roles, she was known for supporting an increased police presence.


Increased Police Presence

In her 2009 book, Smart on Crime, Harris wrote, “[I]f we take a show of hands of those who would like to see more police officers on the street, mine would shoot up.”

A photograph of a Police Officer at a Protest in NYC

Source: Wikimedia

She emphasized that “a more visible and strategic police presence is a deterrent to crime and it has a positive impact on a community.”


Harris Shifts Stance on Police Role Following Floyd's Death

After Floyd’s death, Harris aligned herself more closely with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Protesters march in downtown Brooklyn over the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis Police officer on June 05, 2020, in New York City

Source: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

This marked a significant shift in her stance on the role of police.


Harris Criticizes the Status Quo on Police and Safety

“For far too long, the status quo thinking has been to believe that by putting more police on the street you’re going to have more safety”

Kamala Harris talking behind a podium

Source: Wikimedia

“And that’s just wrong, that’s not how it works,” Harris asserted in June 2020.


Reimagining Public Safety in Interview with Nick Cannon

In an interview with Power 106 Los Angeles host Nick Cannon, Harris further expressed her support for fundamentally rethinking the role of police officers.

A photograph of a Police Officer at a Protest in NYC

Source: Wikimedia

“We have to reimagine public safety in America,” she said. “It’s been upside down, for too long, people have confused achieving public safety with putting more cops on the street.”


Mayor Garcetti’s $150 Million Police Budget Cut

Harris also commended Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for his decision to reduce the city’s police budget by $150 million.

A close-up of a few hundred dollar bills on a table.

Source: engin akyurt/Unsplash

“I applaud Mayor Garcetti for doing what he’s done,” she stated during an interview on ABC’s Good Morning America.


Reevaluating Police Funding and Community Safety

Harris called for a reassessment of how public funds are allocated to police departments, questioning whether they effectively create healthy and safe communities.

A photograph of Kamala Harris onstage at an event

Source: Wikimedia

“We’ve got to reexamine what we’re doing with American taxpayer dollars and ask the question, are we getting the right return on our investment? Are we actually creating healthy and safe communities?” she asked.
