Man Stumbles Across Almost Entirely Intact Dinosaur Skeleton While Walking His Dog

By: Alex Trent | Published: Mar 09, 2024

One man living in France made a massive discovery one day that he had been keeping a secret for two years.

While this man was walking his dog in 2022, he stumbled upon something amazing. His leisurely walk in the forest uncovered traces of dinosaur bones. Nearly two years after the discovery it has been revealed that what he found was a rare, mostly intact dinosaur fossil that is millions of years old.

Discovery in a Forest

The man who discovered the fossil was named Damien Boschetto. He lives in a village in France called Cruzy. He gave a translated statement to ABC News describing the abundance of fossils in the area.

Light shining through a dark forest.

Source: Sebastian Unrau/Unsplash

“The territory around Cruzy is rich in fossils of dinosaurs and other species living at the same time. For 28 years, Cruzy has been supplying and building one of the largest collections of dinosaur fossils from the Upper Cretaceous period in France,” he said.

Dinosaur Bones Exposed

Boscehetto talked to the local news organization FranceBleu in February, describing the experience and his discovery of the dinosaur bones.

Tools used by archeologists.

Source: Trnava Universty/Unsplash

“It happened one morning like any other, during an ordinary walk. While walking the dog, a landslide on the edge of the cliff exposed the bones of various skeletons,” Boschetto said.

More Than Meets the Eye

While it could be said that Boschetto just got lucky, he also benefitted from knowing what to look for. He has had previous experience with dinosaur bones as a self-taught paleontologist. This experience helped him discover the skeleton of a Titanosaur, a huge long-necked dinosaur.

A view of the villlage of Cruzy in France.

Source: Alicecre.wikimedia

“They were fallen bones, therefore isolated. We realized after a few days of excavations that they were connected bones,” Boschetto said.

A Secret Kept

Boschetto enlisted the help from members of the Archaeological and Paleontological Cultural Association (ACAP) from the nearby Cruzy Museum.

A dinosaur fossil photographed up close.

Source: Markus Spiske/Unsplash

They endeavored to keep the find secret until they had fully excavated the huge Titanosaur. Boshetto and the ACAP members were worried the site “would be pillaged, damaged by people who do not know.” (Via ABC News)

What is a Titanosaur?

A Titanosaur is a huge long-necked dinosaur that lived millions of years ago. Experts believe that it lived in the Jurassic period as much as 163 million years ago all the way to the Cretaceous Period which goes up to 66 million years ago.

An artist rendition of the Titanosaur genus.

Source: Ansh Saxena/Wikimedia

The dinosaur had a long tail and neck but a short head. They are a type of sauropod and are the largest known terrestrial animals. There are a few types of dinosaurs discovered across the world that fall into this dinosaur and it is an unofficial genus.


Just How Big is a Titanosaur?

It’s hard to imagine the true scale of this large creature, which has long gone extinct. They were wide and stocky because of their body but also towered high because of their long necks. 

An artist estimation of a titanosaur's height.

Source: Armin Reindl.Wikimedia

While land animals can rarely reach the size of underwater ones, the Titanosaur is about the same size as modern-day whales. They grew to be about 23 feet long and weighed close to 11 tons. (via Britannica)


First Discoveries of Titanosaurs

The first recorded Titanosaur fossils were described in 1877. Dinosaur experts at the time were trying to correctly classify these creatures in this growing scientific field. 

A person digging out a Titanosaur fossil.

Source: UNED/Wikimedia

While experts thought they were their own genus, others thought they were merely similar remains of other sauropods. Identifying fossils can be complicated because researchers are often looking at an incomplete picture.


Boschetto Hopes the Find Will Energize Interest in Local Museum

In comments to FranceBleu, Boschetto expressed his desire for his find to bring large numbers to the Cruzy museum, where the skeleton was ultimately transported to.

A Titanosaur variant in China.

Source: Gary Todd/Wikimedia

“It is a flagship piece for the general public, to be able to admire a dinosaur in automatic connection like that,” he said.


A Rare Eye

The founder of the Cruzy Museum, Francis Fage, gave a glowing review of Boschetto and the discovery when talking to FranceBleu. He expressed just how much of an achievement this find is. 

An exhibit from the Cruzy Museum in France.

Source: AD_B_01/Trip Advisor

“It is very rare to find this, he had to have the eye. There are some who have passed for 30 years and they have not seen this site,” Fage said.


Details of the Specimen

Fage told FranceBleu about the particular details of the specimen that was found.

A photo of a forest in France.

Source: Vhamon54/Wikimedia

“This titanosaur, which is a cousin of the brontosaurus, was around 8-9 meters. It was heavy floods, it got stuck in a sandstone barrier, and it stayed there. We’re going to have to find the rest, the skull and the femur. There, we have the part that goes from the back of the skull in the queue,” said Fage.


Beschetto’s Future

Since the discovery of the huge dinosaur, Boeschetto quit his regular job working in the energy sector. He hopes to pursue a master’s degree in paleontology and continue studying dinosaurs in his French village.

A photo of the Dinosaur National Monument.

Source: Matthew Dillon/Wikimedia

His story goes to show that you can make a big impact in the world even without the proper credentials. It’s an inspiration to self-taught hobbyists to keep your skills sharp since you never know when luck might find you.
