McDonald’s Customers Are Demanding Answers After Grimace’s Birthday Goes Uncelebrated

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Jun 14, 2024

Last year, McDonald’s celebrated Grimace’s birthday with a special limited-edition shake. The purple drink, launched on June 12, 2023, became a viral sensation on TikTok.

Fans created dramatic videos pretending to be injured or dying after drinking it, which significantly boosted McDonald’s social media engagement and sales.

A Missed Opportunity in 2024

This year, fans are left puzzled and disappointed as McDonald’s has completely ignored Grimace’s birthday. Despite the success of last year’s campaign, there was no announcement or special shake to mark the occasion on June 12, 2024.

An image of a newly decorated McDonalds restaurant

Source: Wikimedia

Many customers expected another round of celebrations and are now demanding answers.

Social Media Outcry

Fans took to social media to express their frustration over the lack of a Grimace birthday celebration. Comments flooded McDonald’s latest Instagram post and TikTok video, with users asking things like, “Where’s my Grimace shake?” and wishing the mascot a happy birthday.

A smartphone with a social media folder open. The apps in the folder are Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (X).

Source: dole777/Unsplash

The absence of the shake has clearly struck a chord with the fanbase.

Grimace Shake Returns in Canada

Interestingly, McDonald’s Canada brought back the Grimace Shake on May 13, 2024, for a limited time. This move has left American fans feeling even more neglected.

The flag of Canada flying against a blue sky lined with trees

Source: Freepik

The decision to reintroduce the shake in one market but not another has added to the confusion and disappointment among U.S. customers.

Last Year's Success Story

McDonald’s CFO Ian Borden highlighted the 2023 Grimace birthday campaign as one of the company’s most socially engaging efforts.

A customer paying at the cashier with a bank card

Source: Kampu Production/Pexels

The viral trend contributed to strong double-digit sales growth in the U.S. The overwhelming success of the campaign showcased the power of nostalgia and social media marketing.

Wendy's Steals the Spotlight

While McDonald’s remains silent, Wendy’s has stepped in with its new limited-edition Triple Berry Frosty, launched on June 12, 2024.

Wendy's New Triple Berry Frosty

Source: Wendy's/PRNewswire

Known for its playful jabs at competitors, Wendy’s appears to be capitalizing on the gap left by McDonald’s. This strategic move may attract fans looking for a similar berry-flavored treat.


Fans' Emotional Connection

The Grimace Birthday Shake was more than just a product. It really became a symbol of nostalgia and fun for many.

A phtotogrpah of a smartphone screen which displays social media icons

Source: Wikimedia

Fans developed an emotional connection with the mascot and the quirky shake, which made last year’s campaign so memorable. The absence of a similar celebration this year has left a void in their purple hearts.


Questions for McDonald's

Customers are now questioning McDonald’s strategy. Why was there no Grimace birthday celebration in 2024? Did the company underestimate the mascot’s popularity and the campaign’s impact?

An image of Ronald McDonald during an event

Source: Wikimedia

The lack of communication from McDonald’s has only fueled these questions and left fans seeking answers.


The Power of Nostalgia

Nostalgia-driven marketing has proven to be effective for McDonald’s. The Grimace Birthday Shake tapped into childhood memories and created a wave of positive sentiment.

The exterior of a McDonald’s restaurant in the 1960s

Source: Britannica

By not continuing this trend, McDonald’s might be missing out on a valuable opportunity to engage with its audience and drive sales.


Social Media Buzz

The 2023 campaign generated millions of reactions on McDonald’s social media posts. The organic and creative ways fans engaged with the brand demonstrated the campaign’s success.

A photograph of a woman using her smartphone

Source: Freepik

This year’s silence contrasts sharply with last year’s buzz, making fans wonder about the company’s future marketing plans.


Potential Future Celebrations

Fans are hopeful that McDonald’s will bring back the Grimace Birthday Shake or introduce new nostalgic promotions. The demand for such campaigns is evident from the social media outcry.

An image of a McDonald’s PlayPlace which features a large slide

Source: Wikimedia

McDonald’s has a chance to listen to its customers and plan future celebrations that could replicate or even surpass last year’s success.


Maybe Next Year, Grimace

The absence of a Grimace birthday celebration in 2024 has left McDonald’s fans confused and disappointed. The success of the 2023 campaign showed the power of nostalgia and social media engagement.

Exterior of a McDonald’s restaurant at night

Source: McDonald’s Wiki

As competitors step in to fill the gap, McDonald’s may need to rethink its strategy and reconnect with its loyal fanbase. Fans are eagerly waiting for answers and hoping for a return of their beloved purple… whatever Grimace is supposed to be.
