New Research Suggests the Universe Doesn’t Have Dark Matter

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Mar 28, 2024

A professor from Canada recently published a study on a controversial theory that could change how scientists view the building blocks of the universe.

The results argue that dark matter, once thought to make up the bulk of the material in the universe, doesn’t actually exist. 

The Composition of the Universe

According to the current theory centered on the universe’s composition, it is made of regular matter, dark energy, and dark matter. 

An image taken of the universe by the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field telescope

Source: Wikimedia

While regular matter is considered everything we can touch or see in the universe, ranging from rocks to stars, dark energy and dark matter aren’t a little more challenging to define.

What is Dark Matter?

Unlike regular matter, dark matter emits no light or energy and is essentially invisible to scientists. 

An image that aims to show the effects dark matter has on the universe

Source: Wikimedia

For decades, astrophysicists and scientists have proclaimed that it may make up over 80% of the matter in the universe. 

New Study Aims to Rewrite Astrophysics

So, while it cannot be observed, scientists have long theorized its existence, as without it, the behavior of galaxies, stars, and planets doesn’t make sense. 

A scientist is pictured working on a new theory at his desk

Source: Freepik

Yet, according to a new controversial study published in The Astrophysical Journal, dark matter may not actually exist.

Physics Professor Back in the Headlines

Rajendra Gupta, a physics professor from the University of Ottawa, is the sole author of a paper that aims to dismiss the dark matter theory. 

Rajendra Gupta, a physics professor, is pictured seated at a table alongside a colleague

Source: @RajendraGupta/X

The professor is back in the headlines again almost a year after making a bold statement suggesting the universe is twice as old as once thought.

Gupta Refutes the Dark Matter Theory

According to Gupta, his work on the age of the universe led him to theorize dark matter doesn’t actually exist. 

An image of space which shows a giant planet below a bright star

Source: Freepik

“The study’s findings confirm that our previous work about the age of the universe being 26.7 billion years has allowed us to discover that the universe does not require dark matter to exist,” said Gupta in a statement (via Yahoo).


Gupta Used Existing Theories to Denounce Dark Matter

In the study, the Ottaawa professor explains that he achieved his results by combining the “tired light” theory with the newer “covarying coupling constant.”

A bright explosive-like light with a glowing blue orb hovering in space to the top left of it.

Source: NOIRLab, M. Zamani/Wikimedia Commons

Gupta’s results have challenged the traditional belief that the universe primarily comprises dark energy and matter.


Professor Works on Redshifts Data

The Ottawa professor revealed he analyzed a plethora of data centered on the distribution of galaxies’ low redshifts, which is known as the “tired light” hypothesis.

A college professor is pictured writing on a blackboard

Source: Freepik

“Redshifts” is a term used to define light found in the red section of the spectrum.


The Weakening Forces of Nature

Gupta combines the two theories alongside his own interpretations and argues that there is evidence to suggest dark matter doesn’t have to exist for the universe to function.

Professor Gupta is pictured playing with a simulator at a university

Source: @RajendraGupta/X

“In standard cosmology, the accelerated expansion of the universe is said to be caused by dark energy but is, in fact, due to the weakening forces of nature as it expands, not due to dark energy,” said Gupta. 


Papers that Question the Existence of Dark Matter

“There are several papers that question the existence of dark matter, ” said Gupta. 

Man in white sweater works on research paper

Source: Freepik

He continued, “Mine is the first one, to my knowledge, that eliminates its cosmological existence while being consistent with key cosmological observations that we have had time to confirm.”


Extraordinary Claims Will Be Met with Pushback

In every great leap made in the scientific community, the results appear so outlandish that considerable pushback is experienced. 

Several scientists are pictured working on a theory in her laboratory

Source: Freepik

Undoubtedly, Gupta will be met with backlash from many of his peers.


Gupta's Research Could Change Everything

While Gupta’s initial paper has undoubtedly garnered the attention of many in the scientific community, further research will need to be carried out before the masses will accept it. 

A photograph taken of the stars at night with a tree off to the side

Source: Wikimedia

However, if the Ottawa professor can expand upon his theory with more evidence, it may rewrite everything physicists thought they knew about the composition of the universe. 
