NYPD Finds No Contraband in Raid at Randall’s Island Migrant Shelter, but ‘No one is safe here.’

By: Beth Moreton | Published: Aug 12, 2024

The New York Police Department has reported it found no signs of contraband during a raid at Randall’s Island migrant shelter recently. They claimed this search was in response to a deadly shooting in the area, which left one dead and two injured.

However, the raid left some questions, mainly about how it was carried out. This is down to the conditions and people involved and has been referred to as “draconian” with “xenophobic sentiment.”

Deadly Shooting at Randall’s Island

The deadly shooting occurred at Field 71 in the early hours of the morning. According to the NYPD, a group of people in the area were celebrating the results of the Venezuelan elections.

A black handgun lying in some grass.

Source: Jens Lelie/Unsplash

It was at this point that a gunman opened fire. A 44-year-old woman was shot in the face and back, a 32-year-old man was shot in the throat, and a 31-year-old woman was shot in her lower back. As a result, one of the women died, and the other two were left severely injured.

Reasons for the Shooting

It is currently unknown exactly what the reason for the shooting is. The NYPD believes that the reason is in retaliation for a robbery that happened beforehand.

A black handgun with a gold bullet inside against a black background.

Source: Thomas Tucker/Unsplash

The suspect then took off in a vehicle. However, it is unknown whether the people shot were the intended victims or if the shooter decided to randomly open fire at the crowd.

Other Incidents Have Happened Recently

This shooting isn’t the first to have happened in the area. Over the last two months, there have been further incidents that the NYPD have said contributed to their reasons for the raid. According to police, there has been an increase in quality of life and violence complaints over the last few months at the Randall’s Island shelter and others.

An NYPD police car driving down the street with a red light flashing.

Source: Gianandrea Villa/Unsplash

This past Sunday, August 11th, 2024, a 26-year-old migrant shelter resident was stabbed. The suspect is still at large, with the NYPD on the hunt to catch the perpetrator. According to another shelter resident, Pilar Lopez, “People pass illegal things in front of [the police] and they don’t do anything. Nobody’s safe here right now.”

No Arrests Made

As they were concerned about what might be going on in the area due to the deadly shooting, the NYPD used its K-9 units to help them search the shelter for any signs of guns and drugs, which are contraband.

A person holding their hands up with silver handcuffs around their wrists.

Source: niu niu/Unsplash

However, after an extensive search of the building, the police assured locals that they did not find any of the contraband they expected. As a result, no arrests needed to be made.

Conditions of the Raid

The conditions of the raid are one thing people find most shocking. It was around 100 degrees outside, and migrants were unable to enter or leave the shelter while the search was being carried out.

The outside of the Randall’s Island migrant center with an NYPD police car parked outside.

Source: @1010WINS/X

Some have claimed they were told the search would be quick but were forced to wait outside in the heat for over five hours.


The Force Was Unwarranted

Due to the conditions of the raid and the fact it resulted in no arrests, Legal Aid Society officials have called the raid “unwarranted” and have said it was likely an overreaction to a non-existent problem.

NYPD police officers at Randall’s Island migrant center. There is a security guard in the background in a bright green t-shirt and other people standing around next to cars.

Source: @ABC7NY/X

Even though there was a shooting, the suspect was left in a vehicle, suggesting that they weren’t staying at Randall’s Island. Some feel the police were looking for something they already knew wouldn’t exist.


Maintaining Safety and Security

Prior to the raid, the NYPD’s Deputy Commissioner on X (formerly Twitter), announced that “the safety and security of all New Yorkers, and every single person in our care, is our top priority.”

A post on X from the NYPD Deputy Commissioner. The post says, “The safety and security of all New Yorkers, and every single person in our care, is our top priority. To that end, NYPD has commenced an operation at the Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Center at Randall’s Island to remove any dangerous contraband from the shelter.”

Source: @NYPDDaughtry/X

This caused conflicting opinions in the comments. While some congratulated the police on doing an excellent job by keeping them safe, others weren’t as convinced, saying they didn’t believe there was any need for the raid and that resources would be better used elsewhere.


A Constitutional Violation

Others have gone as far as to claim the NYPD’s raid was a constitutional violation. This is due to the protections people have regarding unreasonable searches and seizures, which many are claiming this to be.

The beginning of the US Constitution that says “we the people” with a person holding a magnifying glass over it.

Source: Anthony Garand/Unsplash

It has also been claimed that the police remained at Randall’s Island for several hours after the raid was carried out. The reason for this is unknown.


Migrants vs. City Staff

Both the Legal Aid Society and the Coalition for the Homeless have said that the raid was “draconian” and “fuels dangerous xenophobic sentiment” that could cause issues in society.

An NYPD car on the side of the road with red lights flashing.

Source: @CrimeInNYC/X

Both organizations have also said that the raid makes migrants come across as a threat to society, causing further divisions between the migrants and city staff.


A Need for Better Security

Some people have claimed that there is a need for better security in the area to prevent these attacks from happening. One woman from Ecuador complained that her suitcase was stolen while she was sleeping.

Two security cameras on the side of a grey wall.

Source: Scott Webb/Unsplash

According to some residents, people who don’t live in the building have been getting over the fence and can somehow get past security. They want something to be done about this soon. In light of the recent stabbing, perhaps the scales will be tipped. 


Were the Police in the Right?

One of the main questions asked was whether the police had the right to carry out the raid on Randall’s Island or whether it was completely unjustified.

An NYPD police car pulled up on the side of the road.

Source: Joshua Armstrong/Unsplash

While some are saying they were in the right, others are claiming it is just another example of police brutality. However, there is hope that the raid will deter any further illegal activity in the area. Only time will tell how things unfold. 
