‘People Should Learn Their History’: DeSantis Slams Anti-Semitic Leftists

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Jun 03, 2024

Florida’s Governor has gone off on “anti-Semitic” leftists” during a rant, claiming they need to learn history before commenting on any matter concerning foreign policy and the territory of nations such as Israel.

The heated comments came in response to the negative backlash the governor has received after voicing his support for Israel amid the ongoing conflict between the Israeli government and Hamas in Palestine.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Ron DeSantis has been governor of Florida since winning the election in 2019 after an illustrious career in the military. The Yale and Havard-educated lawyer went on to defeat Democratic nominee Charlie Crist by an astounding 19.4% to win reelection in 2022.

A photograph of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Source: Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

During his time as Florida’s governor, DeSantis has been recognized for his fairly right-leaning politics and encouraged the passing of the Parental Rights in Education Act, which, among many things, prohibits public schools from teaching minors about gender identity and sexual orientation.

Right-Winged Leaders Stand With Israel in Conflict

DeSantis, like many other Republicans, has been vocally outspoken about the current Israeli-Hamas conflict, with right-winged politicians suggesting Israel has a right to defend its nation despite considerable pushback from leftist groups.

An image of former US President Donald Trump with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Source: Wikimedia

In May, DeSantis called out the “anti-Semitic” leftists during a press conference, claiming that they all needed a thorough lesson in history.

Reasons Behind DeSantis’ Remarks

The governor’s remarks come during a particularly challenging time in the US, as supporters of both sides of the Israeli-Hamas conflict have taken to the streets to protest.

A photograph of a large protest held in New York City in favor of a cease-fire in Palestine

Source: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/VIEWpress/Getty Images

One such gathering of activists who were protesting for peace due to the significant number of Palestinian citizens who have died during the conflict appears to have greatly irritated DeSantis. According to the governor, they set up illegal establishments on college campuses and harassed Jews and members of law enforcement.

The Destruction of Israel

When speaking during the press conference, DeSantis claimed that the protestors were basically calling for an end to the state of Israel.

The facade of an office block removed to expose office spaces, cables, rooms and the structure.

Source: Crawford Jolly/Unsplash

“They’re saying things like ‘from the river to the sea,’ you know, that’s not some cheeky chant,” DeSantis said. “They’re basically saying they want to see the destruction of the State of Israel and a second Holocaust.

DeSantis Claims Protestors Views Align With Hamas’

The Florida governor continued by suggesting that the protestors are calling for the same thing as the terrorist group Hamas, who run a large portion of Palestine.

A photograph of Ron DeSantis

Source: Freepik

“That’s what Hamas wants. That’s why Hamas baked babies in ovens. That’s why they were raping the mothers. That’s why they were beheading elderly people on October 7.”


Activists Never Protested Against October 7 Attacks, Says DeSantis

DeSantis claims that when Hamas-led militant groups attacked residents of Israel back on October 7, 2023, none of them protested against the killing of innocent Israeli citizens. He said the protestors were “very quiet” then.

A photograph of people on the streets in protest of Palestine

Source: Wikimedia

During the horrific events that unfolded on Oct. 7, it’s been estimated that around 1,200 Israelis were killed, according to Al Jazeera.


Leftists Need a History Lesson

Toward the end of the press conference, DeSantis alleges the leftist protestors are misinformed. “I’d also say people should learn their history,” he said.

A photograph of a college professor standing at the front of a class

Source: Freepik

“The fact of the matter is, there’s never been a country or state called Palestine. Jews have the longest connection to that territory; it goes back to biblical times thousands and thousands of years.”


DeSantis Gives a History Lesson

According to DeSantis, the Jews have every right to the state of Israel from a historical standpoint.

A photograph of Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis

Source: Wikimedia

“They were displaced by hostile forces over the years, but just in the immediate history until World War I, that was hundreds of years of rule by the Ottoman Empire, by Turks, that was not a Palestinian state,” he continued.


The Modern Nation of Israel Is Founded

DeSantis continued, “And then the Brits took it over after World War I, they had the Mandate for Palestine. And the vision was to have a Jewish state and an Arab state.”

A photograph of the city of Tel Aviv in Israel

Source: Wikimedia

“And then the UN, after World War II, adopted a Jewish state, an Arab state. Jews accepted it founded a modern Israel; the Arabs rejected it and went to war against Israel, a war that they lost last.”


DeSantis Receives Backlash

DeSantis has been in the limelight since the conflict began last year. He was accused of using state resources for a series of operations, including evacuating US citizens from Israel on charter jets.

A photograph of Florida's Governor, Ron DeSantis

Source: Wikimedia

He’s also said to have been exporting aid, claimed to have procured weapons for Israel, and even began mobilizing Florida’s state guard for an overseas conflict, according to The Guardian.


Chair of the State’s Democratic Party Calls Out Governor

At the time, the chair of the state’s Democratic Party, Nikki Fried, called out DeSantis for helping source weapons, ammunition, and military equipment for the State of Israel.

A photograph of Nikki Fried

Source: Wikimedia

“President Biden is the commander in chief of our military, not Ron DeSantis,” said Fried. “This is a gross breach of norms and a potential violation of federal laws governing the shipment of weapons.”
