Republicans Argue The Texas State Fair’s Ban on Guns ‘Actually reduces safety’

By: May Man Published: Aug 20, 2024

State Fair officials have decided to ban licensed to carry (LTC) holders from bringing firearms onto the fairgrounds, a move that has angered Texas Republicans, including Attorney General Ken Paxton.

In previous years, LTC holders were allowed to carry concealed weapons inside the fair.

Push Back on Gun Ban

Seventy Republicans in the Texas House have sent a letter to the State Fair of Texas, urging them to reconsider the ban.

Photo of Handgun Near Mug

Source: Kelly/Pexels

This policy shift follows a shooting incident at last year’s fair that left three people injured.

Based on Previous Incident

The shooter, Cameron Turner, was not licensed, and despite the new metal detection system, managed to bring a gun onto the fairgrounds.

Merry-go-round from a low angle

Source: lifeforstock/Freepik

FOX 4’s Steven Dial spoke with State Rep. Brian Harrison (R-Waxahachie), one of the Republican lawmakers advocating for the reversal of the policy.

“Second Amendment rights increases safety”

Rep. Harrison commented, “Allowing Texans to exercise, lawfully, their Second Amendment rights increases safety.”

A handgun sits on top of a replica of the US Constitution and an American flag, representing the Second Amendment

Source: Adobe Stock

“And that’s why I was appalled to see, and really disappointed to see the State Fair of Texas take this action to ban Texans from exercising their Second Amendment rights on the fairgrounds.”

Disapproving Comments

He continued, “If their goal was to maximize safety, this actually reduces safety.”

Hands holding a gun and firing. Smoke from gun rising

Source: Freepik

“It does the exact opposite of that. We know the data shows that, this isn’t just my opinion.”

Link Between Mass Shootings and Gun-Free Zones

“The overwhelming majority of mass shootings happen in places where guns are banned”, Harrison stated.

Two Remington guns on a white surface.

Source: Cody Wingfield/Unsplash

“So this is a bad decision and I hope they reconsider it.”


Tragic Incident

Harrison acknowledged last year’s shooting as tragic when asked by Steven Dial.

A table and wall with many guns, including Remington guns.

Source: Thomas Tucker/Unsplash

However, he emphasized that banning firearms is not the solution.


Harrison Argues Armed Citizens Enhance Safety

“If we’re trying to increase safety, banning firearms, stopping Texans from exercising the Second Amendment is not the correct way to do this.”

Two women wearing blue jeans with guns in holsters on their legs

Source: @laurenboebert/X

“The majority of mass shootings are actually stopped by armed citizens exercising their Second Amendment right,” Harrison explained.”


Fair Policy Challenge Is About Protecting Texans' Rights

Dial also pointed out that other venues, such as Rangers games and concerts, have similar firearm restrictions.

The Texas flag. The flag has a blue vertical stripe on the left with a white star in the middle. Next to it are two vertical white and red stripes.

Source: Pete Alexopoulos/Unsplash

Harrison responded by clarifying that this isn’t about singling out the State Fair of Texas but rather about upholding the rights that Texans historically have enjoyed.


Maximizing Safety

“This is about protecting the Constitution, protecting the Second Amendment, standing up for what my constituents want and pushing for policies that do what all those things do together.”

An American flag waves int he wind as a helicopter flies above

Source: Christopher Skor/Unsplash

“And that’s maximizing safety,” Harrison stated.


State Fair Responds

Meanwhile, fair officials stand by their decision.

A black handgun on a black cloth with bullets around it.

Source: Tom Def/Unsplash

State Fair spokeswoman Karissa Condoianis said, “We will respond to them directly. We want them to know they are heard, we hear them. However, this is a policy that our Board of Directors, as a nonprofit organization that we are managed by, feel this is a measure we need to take to create a safe environment for everyone who is out here.”


High Level of Security

The fair also notes that over 200 armed police officers and security personnel will be on patrol throughout the event.

The city discusses bolstering security in downtown Los Angeles in an effort to prevent future defacements.

Source: Tony Webster/Wikipedia Commons

Harrison and other Republicans warn that if the policy is not reversed, they will consider legislation in January aimed at “protecting Second Amendment rights […] on lands managed by the public.” The State Fair of Texas will open its doors on Friday, September 27.
