Rudy Giuliani Makes Off The Wall Accusation That Kamala Harris May Have a Brain Injury

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Jul 25, 2024

Rudy Giuliani, former New York mayor and Donald Trump’s attorney, has made headlines with his recent comments about Vice President Kamala Harris.

During his live online show on Monday, Giuliani suggested that Harris might be “brain injured” due to her repeated use of a particular catchphrase.

Harris' 'Catchphrase' Under Fire

Giuliani’s criticism centers on Harris’ frequent use of the phrase “what can be unburdened by what has been.”

A photograph of Kamala Harris

Source: Getty Images

This line, which Harris has used multiple times in her public speeches, has been a point of contention among Republican figures. What’s more, Giuliani’s interpretation of the phrase has taken the controversy to a new level.

Linking to Karl Marx

On his show, Giuliani suggested that Harris’ catchphrase has roots in Marxist theory. He claimed, “That’s pure Marxism. That comes from Karl Marx.”

This is a black-and-white image of a protest in Russia in 1917 during the Russian Revolution. Protestors are holding up a sign in Russian that reads “Communism.”

Source: Unknown Author/Wikimedia Commons

Giuliani argued that the phrase implies a desire to erase history, which he associated with communist ideology.

Marxist Connections Explained

Giuliani pointed to Karl Marx’s writings, particularly The Communist Manifesto and The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, to support his claims.

Karl Marx portrait

Source: John Jabez Edwin Mayal/Wikimedia Commons

He suggested that Marx’s ideas promote moving on from the past to achieve communism. The interpretation is a bit of a stretch, though, with its lack of concrete evidence.

Giuliani's Harsh Words

In his critique, Giuliani did not hold back, calling Harris either “stupid, brain injured, or a communist.”

A photograph of a reporter conducting an interview

Source: Wikimedia

He questioned whether Harris was even aware of the Marxist implications he suggested.

The Impact of Giuliani's Comments

Giuliani’s accusations have added fuel to the ongoing political debate.

Harris speaking at an event holding a microphone

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia

The timing of his criticism, coinciding with Harris’ nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate, has only intensified the conversation.


Harris' Rise to Nomination

Despite the controversy, Kamala Harris has continued to rise in the political arena.

Kamala Harris on left and Joe Biden on right

Source: @VP, X

On Monday night, she secured enough delegate support to clinch the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination.


The Role of History in Politics

Giuliani’s comments also touched on the broader issue of how history is viewed and utilized in politics. He argued against the idea of forgetting the past, emphasizing the importance of historical events such as the American Revolution and the Civil War.

Kamala Harris talking behind a podium

Source: Wikimedia

This, however, is likely a tactic in political rhetoric, more than a genuine concern for historical events repeating.


Giuliani's Own Controversial History

It is worth noting that Giuliani himself has a controversial history, notably his involvement in President Trump’s impeachment scandal.

A photograph of Donald Trump on stage at an event

Source: Wikimedia

Again, it could be argued that his criticism of Harris could also be seen as a political strategy to discredit her.


The Future of the 2024 Election

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, incidents like Giuliani’s comments are likely to continue shaping the political landscape.

A photograph of US Vice-President Kamala Harris

Source: Wikimedia

Harris’ ability to navigate such comments (which are far from over) will be crucial to her campaign.


Moving Forward

Despite the drama, the focus remains on the upcoming election and the policies that each candidate will bring to the table.

Vice President Kamala Harris Joins California Governor Gavin Newsom In Campaigning Against Recall Effort

Source: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Harris’ campaign will likely continue to emphasize her vision for the future, while Giuliani’s comments serve as a reminder of the intense scrutiny faced by public figures.


For the Voters

As Giuliani’s comments have shown, there will always be differing perspectives and interpretations of historical events and how they fit into the modern-day conversation.

A photograph of several voters in the United States

Source: Freepik

Ultimately, it is up to us as citizens to critically examine them and make informed decisions about our leaders, proactively wading through the nastier side of politics.
