Solve the Mysteries of Stonehenge in This Quiz

By: Beth Moreton | Published: Apr 13, 2024

Stonehenge has been a mystery for centuries, with many confused as to how this ancient landmark came to be.

Think you know how? Answer this quiz to see how much you know about Stonehenge.

Where is Stonehenge?

  • A) Norway
  • B) France
  • C) England
  • D) Scotland
Stonehenge on a sunny day. The stones are in a circle, with some on top of each other.

Source: garethwiscombe/Wikimedia Commons

Answer: England

Stonehenge on a sunny day. The stones are all in one circle, with some stones on top of each other.

Source: Stefan Kühn/Wikimedia Commons

What is Stonehenge?

  • A) A prehistoric monument of stones
  • B) A natural rock formation
  • C) A playground
  • D) Someone’s back garden
Stonehenge on a cloudy day.

Source: Sumit Surai/Wikimedia Commons

Answer: A prehistoric monument of stones

Stonehenge on a cloudy day. Most of the stones are standing upright, but there are some smaller ones that are lying on the floor.

Source: Diego Delso/Wikimedia Commons

What year was Stonehenge erected?

  • A) 3000 BC
  • B) 2500 BC
  • C) 2000 BC
  • D) 3500 BC
A close-up of Stonehenge. Some of the stones have moss on them at the top.

Source: Chris Mitchell/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: 2500 BC

Stonehenge during daytime. Along with the Stonehenge stones, there are some smaller rocks surrounding them.

Source: Tristan J. Wilson/Wikimedia Commons


Who owns Stonehenge?

  • A) The Crown
  • B) The National Trust
  • C) The British Museum
  • D) The English Heritage
A view of Stonehenge from the road next to it. Stonehenge can be seen in the distance, along with some people going to view it.

Source: Basspildstelle/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: The Crown

A view of Buckingham Palace from the Mall, which is where King Charles (the crown) lives. The Queen Victoria monument can be seen from the center of the mall, outside Buckingham Palace.

Source: Diliff/Wikimedia Commons


How many stones in the circle are visible?

  • A) 20
  • B) 44
  • C) 60
  • D) 83
Stonehenge during daytime. There are the main stones that stand vertically, with some laying horizontally on top of them. There are other stones that are lying down on the grass, which are smaller than those standing.

Source: Cody Logan/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: 83

An image of Stonehenge from a distance on a cloudy day.

Source: Noushin Nabavi/Wikimedia Commons


Which type of stone is Stonehenge made from?

  • A) Silcrete Rock
  • B) Igneous Rock
  • C) Metamorphic Rock
  • D) Lime Stone
Stonehenge on a cloudy day. Some of the stones are in a circle, whereas others are off to the side.

Source: Caskination/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: Silcrete Rock

A close-up of some silcrete rock. The rock has bits of red in it but is mostly grey.

Source: @homaionkabir/X


How much does each stone weigh?

  • A) 5,000 pounds
  • B) 50,000 pounds
  • C) 55,000 pounds
  • D) 5,500 pounds
Stonehenge from a distance. Some people can be seen in the background looking at the stones.

Source: Diego Delso/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: 50,000 pounds

Stonehenge from a distance on a cloudy day. Some people can be seen in the distance looking at the stones.

Source: Balou46/Wikimedia Commons


What is the length of the tallest stone at Stonehenge?

  • A) 25 feet 5 inches
  • B) 25 feet 6 inches
  • C) 25 feet 7 inches
  • D) 25 feet 8 inches
A close-up of Stonehenge on a sunny day. Some of the stones are on top of each other, whereas others stand alone. There is moss on the top parts of each stone.

Source: Pedro Cambra/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: 25 feet 7 inches

The top of the tallest stone at Stonehenge, which is stone 56.

Source: TobyEditor/Wikimedia Commons


Which theory about Stonehenge doesn’t exist?

  • A) It was a burial site
  • B) It was a place for people to go for ancestor worship
  • C) It was an ancient healing site
  • D) It was a large community garden
Stonehenge on a cloudy day.

Source: Mari/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: It was a large community garden

Stonehenge on a cloudy day.

Source: Gerd Eichmann/Wikimedia Commons


Where does Stonehenge get its name?

  • A) From Old Norse words (stein = stone, henja = to hang)
  • B) From Latin words (stõnus = stone, hengist = hinge)
  • C) From Celtic words (ston = stone, hengest = horse)
  • D) From Old English words (stãn = stone, hencg = hinge)
Stonehenge on a sunny day. There are some people in the background looking at the stones.

Source: Mari/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: From Old English words (stãn = stone, hencg = hinge)

Stonehenge on a cloudy day. Some people are in the background looking at the stones.

Source: Balou46/Wikimedia Commons


Which stone does the sun rise from during Summer Solstice?

  • A) The heel stone
  • B) The foot stone
  • C) The ankle stone
  • D) The toe stone
Stonehenge during Summer Solstice. The sun is rising over the stones.

Source: Unknown Author/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: The heel stone

The heel stone at Stonehenge. In the background, the rest of the Stonehenge stones can be seen, with people surrounding them looking at the stones.

Source: Rod Allday/Wikimedia Commons


When was Stonehenge added to UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites?

  • A) 1984
  • B) 1985
  • C) 1986
  • D) 1987
Stonehenge on a grey and cloudy day.

Source: Diego Delso/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: 1986

Stonehenge during the day.

Source: Diego Delso/Wikimedia Commons


How many people visit Stonehenge each year?

  • A) 10,000
  • B) 100,000
  • C) 1.3 million
  • D) 2.5 million
Stonehenge during the day. In the background, some people are looking at the stones.

Source: Diego Delso/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: 1.3 million

Stonehenge at sunset. There are visitors on either side of the stones to watch it.

Source: Fanfwah/Wikimedia Commons


Which monarch visited Stonehenge during the first known excavation of the site in the 1620s?

  • A) King James I
  • B) Queen Elizabeth I
  • C) King Charles I
  • D) Queen Mary I
Stonehenge during the day. There is a crowd of people to the right-hand side of the stones.

Source: Diego Delso/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: King James I

King James I wearing royal state clothes. He is wearing a red tunic and cloak that has a gold chain around it. He is also wearing a grey hat with a feather coming out of it. He is standing between two open golden curtains.

Source: Wikimedia Commons


How big is the Stonehenge site?

  • A) 6,000 acres
  • B) 6,500 acres
  • C) 7,000 acres
  • D) 7,500 acres
Stonehenge on a cloudy day.

Source: K. Mitch Hodge/Unsplash


Answer: 6,500 acres

Stonehenge at sunset. There is a closeup of the stones, with the sun setting in between them.

Source: Ankit Sood/Unsplash
