‘Some folks need killing’: North Carolina Lt. Gov Takes Christian Nationalism To Dangerous New Low

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Jul 09, 2024

Last week, North Carolina Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson delivered a fiery sermon at Lake Church in White Lake. He declared that “some folks need killing,” sparking widespread outrage.

This event was part of “God and Country Sunday,” showcasing the intersection of politics and religion in Robinson’s campaign.

Comparing Political Opponents to Nazis

According to MSNBC, Robinson compared his perceived enemies on the American left to Nazis, stating, “We didn’t argue and capitulate … No, they’re bad. Kill them.”

Close-up photograph of a microphone in front of a large crowd

Source: Freepik

This stark comparison highlights his extremist views and willingness to invoke violent imagery. Robinson’s rhetoric marks a dangerous escalation in political discourse.

Ambiguous Targets

While Robinson did not specify who exactly “needs killing,” he referred to “wicked people doing wicked things.” His speech implied a broad spectrum of leftist foes, warning about those advancing “the tenets of socialism and communism.”

A digital illustration of two boxing gloves showing the icons for the Democrat and Republican parties

Source: Adobe Stock

This vagueness leaves room for plenty of interpretation, raising concerns about potential violence against various groups.

Church Support

Cameron McGill, the pastor of Lake Church, defended Robinson’s remarks, claiming he referred to those seeking to harm Christians.

The Holy Bible on a stand

Source: Pixabay/Pexels

McGill’s support shows the troubling alliance between certain religious leaders and extremist political figures. This defense highlights the normalization of violent rhetoric in some religious communities.

Long History of Extremism

Robinson has a long history of extremist views, including denying the Holocaust and calling for the arrest of trans women using women’s restrooms.

Glasses sitting on an open bible

Source: John-Mark Smith/Pexels

His political career began with attacks on gun control and survivors of the Parkland school shooting. These views have not deterred his supporters, who see him as a champion against “woke” culture.

Road to Majority Conference

Robinson recently spoke at the Road to Majority conference, a significant event for Republican leaders, including former President Donald Trump. His appearance there solidified his position within the Christian nationalist movement.

A photograph of Donald Trump on stage at an event

Source: Wikimedia

Robinson’s speech attacked the media and praised Christian nationalist values, furthering his controversial agenda.


Christian Nationalist Dogma

In a pre-sermon interview, Robinson reiterated that America was founded as a Christian nation and that the Constitution is based on the Bible.

Close-Up Shot of a Holy Bible

Source: K2 Production/Pexels

He argued that the separation of church and state protects the church from government interference but allows the church to influence the government. This interpretation is central to Christian nationalist ideology.


Advocating for State Violence

Robinson suggested that law enforcement should handle these supposed enemies, saying, “Time to call out, uh, those guys in green and go have them handle it.”

Vehicle Blue Emergency Light Turned on

Source: Pixabay/Pexels

This call to action raises serious ethical and legal questions about the use of state power to target political opponents. It echoes past incidents where political figures have endorsed violence.


Escalation of Rhetoric

Robinson’s call for killing represents a significant escalation from previous Christian nationalist rhetoric, which often framed conflicts more as spiritual battles.

The Bible opened up to the book of Psalms

Source: Wikipedia

This shift from metaphorical to literal violence is alarming and reflects the growing radicalization within some segments of the political right. It poses a real threat to civil discourse and public safety.


Broader Implications

Robinson’s remarks are part of a broader trend within the MAGA movement, which seeks to upend democratic norms and replace them with far-right authoritarianism.

A person standing beside many others outside wearing a red backward Make America Great Again hat

Source: James McNellis/Wikimedia Commons

His violent rhetoric exemplifies the dangerous direction in which this movement is heading. The potential impact on American democracy is troubling, putting it lightly.


Reactions and Criticisms

Robinson’s speech has been met with widespread condemnation from various political and social groups.

Two silhouettes of a donkey and an elephant, representing the Democratic party and the Republican party on an American flag

Source: Shutterstock

Critics argue that such rhetoric endangers lives and undermines democratic principles. The controversy also highlights the urgent need for a robust response to political extremism and violence.


Future of Robinson’s Campaign

Despite the backlash, Robinson remains a prominent figure in North Carolina politics.

A photo of Donald Trump wearing a red baseball hat speaking into a microphone with the Supreme Courthouse in the background

Source: Anna Moneymaker; Anna Sullivan/unsplash

His ability to galvanize support from the Christian right suggests that his campaign will continue to leverage extremist rhetoric.
