Suspects Arrested for Stealing Veteran Burial Markers Across Multiple Cemeteries

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Sep 11, 2024

In late August, authorities in La Porte County, Indiana, discovered an alarming trend—bronze veteran markers were being stolen from grave headstones across multiple cemeteries.

The thefts, first reported on August 28, have shocked local communities, especially as the markers honor deceased veterans. As it turns out, these stolen markers were part of a larger theft spree that targeted cemeteries in several towns, including Union Mills, Rolling Prairie, and Greenwood.

Communities Affected by the Thefts

The thieves did not focus on just one cemetery but instead hit multiple burial grounds across Indiana. Cemeteries such as Union Mills, Rolling Prairie, Pinola, Greenwood, and St. Stan’s were among those impacted.

Vehicle Blue Emergency Light Turned on

Source: Pixabay/Pexels

At least 15 bronze markers honoring veterans were stolen, and one additional marker was damaged. The loss of these symbols of honor devastated families and veterans’ organizations alike.

An Urgent Investigation Begins

The La Porte County Sheriff’s Office quickly took action after receiving multiple reports of the thefts.

A crime scene investigator is pictured placing evidence into a plastic bag

Source: Freepik

On August 28, the office publicly announced the launch of an investigation and urged citizens to visit the gravesites of deceased veterans to check for missing or damaged markers.

A Key Tip Leads to a Breakthrough

Thanks to a tip from the community, authorities identified a suspect just one day after launching the investigation. La Porte County detectives Jake Koch and Aaron Banic worked tirelessly to gather evidence.

A woman talking on the phone.

Source: Taylor Grote/Unsplash

Their efforts paid off when they arrested two suspects, Terry Wood, 53, and Breanna Puentez, 25, in connection with the thefts.

Operation ‘Justice, Peace, and Salute’

In the early morning hours of August 29, the La Porte County Sheriff’s Office carried out an operation dubbed “Justice, Peace, and Salute” at a residence on Andrew Avenue in La Porte.

A police officer reporting a crime into his walkie talkie

Source: Freepik

During the raid, police arrested Terry Wood and recovered additional evidence linking him to the thefts. Later in the day, authorities apprehended Breanna Puentez, adding further weight to the investigation.

Charges Filed Against the Suspects

Both Wood and Puentez now face serious charges. According to police reports, they have each been charged with one count of felony theft and 15 felony counts of cemetery mischief.

A judge bangs a gavel.

Source: Katrin Bolovtsova/Pexels

Authorities hope these arrests bring justice and closure to the families affected.


The Impact on Veterans' Families

The theft of the bronze markers not only disrespected the memory of the deceased veterans but also deeply hurt their families.

Four World War II veterans sit side by side more than 50 years later

Source: Quora

These markers are a lasting tribute to the service and sacrifice of those who served in the military.


La Porte County Sheriff’s Statement

In a statement, the La Porte County Sheriff’s Office condemned the criminal behavior, describing it as “disgusting, unacceptable, and will not be tolerated.”

A photograph of several reporters gathered around a man on the street

Source: Freepik

Captain Derek J. Allen expressed hope that the arrests would bring peace to both living and deceased veterans. He added, “Hopefully, US Veterans, both deceased and living, can find peace and comfort with these arrests.”


The Motivation Behind the Thefts

While police have not yet disclosed a clear motive, the thefts are suspected to have been financially motivated. Bronze markers, which are made of valuable metal, may have been targeted for resale or scrap value.

A reporter is pictured taking notes

Source: Freepik

Investigators are still piecing together the details as the investigation continues, but it is believed that the suspects acted purely out of greed.


The Value of Bronze Veteran Markers

Bronze veteran markers are typically placed on the graves of military veterans to signify their service to the country. These markers hold deep sentimental and historical value.

Rows of headstones on a green grassy field at Woburn Abbey Cemetery, Cuinchy

Source: Havang(nl)/Wikimedia Commons

The cost of a single marker can vary, but the emotional value to families is priceless.


The Investigation Continues

While the arrests of Wood and Puentez were a significant step in the case, the investigation is still ongoing. Authorities are continuing to look for additional evidence that may link the suspects to other thefts in the region.

A woman is pictured during an investigation

Source: Wikimedia

La Porte County detectives are also working to recover stolen markers and return them to their rightful places at the gravesites.


Awaiting Justice

As of now, Wood remains in custody with a $15,005 cash-only bond, while Puentez is being held without bond.

A bronze statue of a female figure holding scales which represents justice

Source: Freepik

Their court date has not yet been announced, but the charges they face could lead to serious consequences.
