The Bible Says These Misconceptions Are Not Actually Sins

By: Beth Moreton | Published: Apr 07, 2024

In the Bible, it reveals a list of sins that Christians are supposed to stay away from and not commit, so as not to disappoint God.

However, it appears some of the sins that have been labeled as such in the Bible aren’t sins and are fine for Christians and people of other religions and beliefs to do.

Drinking Alcohol

Some Christians view those who drink alcohol as being sinful, but as Knowing Jesus Ministries points out, Jesus drank wine.

A group of people sat down to drink alcohol. The two girls in the picture have a drink in a tumbler glass with a black straw in both glasses.

Source: Michael Discenza/Unsplash

So, drinking alcohol is okay, as long as it is done in moderation. The Bible views drinking alcohol as a blessing, but it views drunkenness as a sin.


Some people believe that greed is a sin per the Bible, but can overeating also be classed as this?

A group of men and women sat around a table eating food. There is food and wine on the table.

Alex Haney/Unsplash

But Joyful Health has pointed out that the Bible states people should be able to enjoy the food they eat, whatever amount that is.


Most people’s views on smoking tends to be that it’s a bad habit that people need to stop.

A man smoking a cigarette in the dark

Reza Mehrad/Unsplash

But Jehovah’s Witnesses states that smoking isn’t even mentioned in the bible, so cannot be classed as a sin.


Renew states that gambling, or any variety of it, isn’t mentioned once in the Bible and so cannot be classed as a sin.

A table in a casino. There are people standing around it. The table is green with different numbers. There are some chips on the table. Some are piled up and others are on the numbers.


However, there are some verses in the Bible that many assume are about gambling. This includes Matt 6:24 which says “You cannot serve both God and money.”

Being Wealthy

There are a few verses in the Bible about greed, with there being some confusion as to whether this translates to wealth.

A man wearing orange sunglasses. He is holding many $100 notes fanned out


Being wealthy in itself isn’t considered a sin, as per Bible Study Tools, but some of the Bible does lead towards saying hoarding wealth and not sharing it with those less fortunate is considered somewhat as a sin.



Many view dancing as harmless and up until now, some people have claimed the Bible views dancing as a sin. But that isn’t the case.

People dancing in a dance glass. They are leaning to the side and clapping and are facing the mirror.

Source: Danielle Cerullo/Unsplash

Grand Canyon University has said people can use dancing as a way to glorify God and therefore should not be ashamed of doing so.


Having Doubts About Christianity

Having doubts in all areas of life, whether that’s with your job, relationship, or friendships, is perfectly normal, but there are differing opinions on whether doubt is a sin.

A woman with her head in her hands. She has silver rings on her ring finger and a tattoo on her opposing finger.

Source: Toa Heftiba/Unsplash

The Bible For Normal People has stated that different Bible teachers have varying opinions on doubt. However, for the most part, doubting your faith is a normal thing to happen.


Having Strong Emotions

We all have different emotions that range from happy to sad and everything in between, but many believed the Bible once said that having strong emotions of any kind was a sin.

Someone punching a wall. Their fist is clenched and the wall is red, with a dent from the punch in it.

Source: Pixabay/Pexels

The Compelling Truth states that while having strong emotions isn’t a sin, it suggests that Christians should manage their emotions, such as not acting out in anger.



There have long been many prejudices surrounding anxiety and other mental health issues, so claiming the Bible says anxiety is a sin only adds to this.

A slightly blurred photo of a woman holding her head with her hands.

Uday Mittal/Unsplash

Tres Adams, a pastoral counselor, has said that something can only be a sin if it comes from your own free will, which anxiety does not. Therefore, according to Church and Mental Health, anxiety cannot be classed as a sin.


The Billy Graham Rule

The Billy Graham Rule was started by the evangelist of the same name, who decided he would never be alone with a woman who wasn’t his wife, which led to many others taking on this rule themselves, according to the Billy Graham Evangelist Association.

A black and white photo of Billy Graham. He has his head slightly tilted and appears to be listening intently.

Source: Warren K. Leffler/Wikimedia Commons

But with women now being a prominent force in the workplace, this rule is a lot harder to follow. As it is not in the Bible, it cannot be considered a sin.


Skipping Church

With fewer people attending church nowadays, some Christians might be worried that if they skip Sunday service or mass, they are sinning.

The inside of an empty Church. There are wooden benches on either side of the aisle and at the front of the church is a big cross and a statue. There are paintings throughout on the walls.

Source: Pixabay/Pexels

However, the Liberty Gospel Tracts states this is nothing to be ashamed of as there are many reasons why someone might have to skip church. Therefore, they shouldn’t feel they are letting God down or sinning by doing so.



Most people with tattoos have more than likely experienced an older relative or person they work with shaming them for having tattoos, which possibly comes from a saying in the Bible.

A woman holding a cup of tea. She is wearing a grey top and has colorful tattoos on her arm of various flowers, including a red rose and a sunflower. She has two rings on her fingers and a bracelet on her wrist.

Source: Annie Spratt/Unsplash

HuffPost states in Leviticus 19:28 it says “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you.” However, many people who attend church have tattoos and as long as you’re a good person, it is believed that having tattoos is no longer a sin.


Wearing Leggings

The Bible contains a lot of verses surrounding lust and that people shouldn’t wear clothing that could provoke lust.

A woman doing a yoga pose. She is wearing a black sports bra and leggings.

Alexandra Tran/Unsplash

Many have taken this to believe that clothing items, such as leggings, shouldn’t be allowed as they can provoke lust. But iBelieve states that as long as the leggings are worn for a purpose other than lust, such as a workout, then wearing leggings is not a sin.


Wearing Mixed Materials

Catholic reports that in Deut 22:11 it says wool and linen should not be worn together.

A person wearing a green wool jumper and linen trousers.

Alena Shekhovtcova/Pexels

However, this is considered a ceremonial law that wouldn’t apply to Christians, and wool and linen are rarely in the same garment these days.


Playing Sports on a Sunday

According to the Bible, Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, and playing sports of any kind is hardly a way for anyone to rest.

A woman wearing a sports bra and leggings and is lifting a heavy weight.

Source: John Arano/Unsplash

However, with people at work and school on weekdays, for most people, that only leaves the weekend to do the activities they enjoy, including playing sports. Christians In Sport states that people are free to enjoy sport on a Sunday if they like and others shouldn’t judge them for it.


Working on the Sabbath

Just like with playing sports on the Sabbath, Christians have long believed that working on the Sabbath is classed as a sin.

Three people sat around a wooden table working. There are each using a laptop and are laughing and smiling.

Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Compelling Truth states that the Bible doesn’t say anything about working on the Sabbath being a sin and it should not be viewed as such.


Taking Contraception

As many may be engaging in sexual intercourse at a time when they’re not ready to have children for whatever reason, most will take or use some form of contraception to prevent pregnancy.

A pack of opened birth control. There are four lines of pills, the left hasn’t been opened the other three have.

Source: Bryancalabro/Wikimedia Commons

Got Questions points out that in the Bible, Onan commits a sin in using withdrawal, which is the oldest form of birth control. The sin wasn’t the fact he had used birth control, but that he had committed the sin of selfishness by withdrawing so as not to share his inheritance. Therefore, contraception itself is not a sin.



Many people swear these days, but some Christians will often tell you not to swear as it is considered a sin.

Bright neon sign that says "WTF" on a brick wall in the dark

Source: Sammy-Sander/Pixabay

However, according to Medium, swearing is only a sin if it is used to belittle, attack, or demean someone. So, if you are swearing because you have stubbed your toe, that is perfectly acceptable in the eyes of the Lord.


Disagreeing With the Pastor

As the pastor is the leader of the church you attend, you might find yourself feeling conflicted if, during one of the sermons, you disagree.

A pastor wearing all black with a white collar.

Source: Cottonbro Studio/Pexels

But do not be worry, as disagreeing with the pastor is normal, according to Lifeway Church. Everyone has differing opinions and isn’t going to see eye to eye on everything. So, as long as your disagreements can be understood, you are not sinning.



For many years, people felt a sense of shame if they wanted to end a marriage they were in, regardless of the reason for them wanting a divorce.

A person holding a set of papers. At the top of the paper it says "Divorce decree" in black, bold letters

Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

This confusion stems from a wrongful translation of Malachi 2:16, which was initially translated as God saying “I hate divorce”, according to Life-Saving Divorce. But the new translations reveal the Bible doesn’t say that.


Celebrating Halloween

Some people associate Halloween with the devil, which is definitely against everything Christianity stands for.

Two pumpkins carved for Halloween. Both have scary faces consisting of two eyes and a mouth.

David Menidrey/Unsplash

But the Bible doesn’t mention anything to do with Halloween, according to Focus on the Family. It does allude to some aspects of it, such as witchcraft, but Christians can celebrate Halloween however they want to without feeling like they are sinning.


Secular Music

Secular music is music that does not have any connection to religion.

A man sitting outside listening to music. He is wearing a black jumper, black headphones, and is holding a black phone.

Ilias Chebbi/Unsplash

412 Teens says that listening to music in itself isn’t a sin and that Christians shouldn’t be limited to Christian songs.


Celebrating Birthdays

Birthdays in themselves are not considered a sin, according to Grace Communion International.

A birthday cake. The cake is decorated in white icing and has candles on that have been lit that spell out "Happy Birthday".

Annie Spratt/Unsplash

This is despite there being Christians who see celebrating birthdays as sinning, but there is nothing in the Bible to suggest this.
