The Biden Administration To Announce Plans To Modernize Electrical Grid, Encouraging a Move To Clean Energy

By: Julia | Published: May 28, 2024

President Joe Biden’s administration will soon announce plans to help modernize the country’s electrical grid. By doing this, the White House is hoping to encourage a seamless move to clean energy.

However, this decision will also help the country’s grid from experiencing massive amounts of outages.

Fixing the U.S.’s Old Electrical Grid

The United States’ old electrical grid system has long been a major issue for those who have pushed for more clean energy. However, now the grid may stop being such a problem for green advocates.

A look up at an electrical tower seen underneath a blue sky.

Source: icon0 com/Pexels

The Biden administration has announced plans to modernize and update various parts of the country’s grid.

Working With States

This new initiative will combine the forces of the federal government and at least 21 state governments.

A close-up on the White House seen during sunset.

Source: Suzy Brooks/Unsplash

This project intends to push for faster fixes on the grid, as well as overall improvements. The initiative wants to build a modern and bigger grid system, which could help reduce the amount of power outages seen around the country.

Increasing Electrical Transmission

However, this White House initiative also wants to try to increase the overall electrical transmission capacity that the grid currently has.

The silhouettes of electric wires and poles seen during sunset.

Source: Krea/Pexels

By modernizing the grid and allowing for more transmission capacity to be done, the Biden administration is hoping to clear one roadblock to relying on more clean energy in the future.

A Rise of Power Outages

The country has seen some incredibly severe — and, in some cases, deadly — power outages in various parts of the nation in the past few years.

An electrician repairing a power line in the daytime.

Source: Антон Дмитриев/Unsplash

A new report from Climate Central found that power outages as a result of weather will likely rise, thanks to a combination of stronger storms and old, aging infrastructure.

Getting More Clean Energy on the Grid

This White House move comes as the administration has struggled to push clean energy measures. Currently, the U.S. has more clean energy electricity waiting to get on the electrical grid than the actual amount that is on the grid.

Many wind turbines seen on a hill in the United States.

Source: American Public Power Association/Unsplash

This is because the infrastructure cannot handle this high amount of energy. Instead, the grid needs to have modern high-voltage transmission lines — one of the things that the White House is now pushing for.


The U.S. May Need More Energy

At the moment, the U.S. has been relatively flat when it comes to electricity demand. However, that will likely soon change, according to many analysts.

A close-up of many solar panels on green grass in the daytime.

Source: Zbynek Burival/Unsplash

Data centers and AI demand quite a lot of energy, as do electric vehicles. If this new initiative can successfully modernize the country’s grid and infrastructure, this massive amount of additional energy will help this upcoming demand.


States Looking For Modernization

Already, many states are jumping at the chance to modernize their infrastructure and grid. State leaders from Arizona, Kentucky, New York, and Pennsylvania, among others, have announced their intent to push for modernization.

Many electric wires seen connected to towers underneath a blue sky.

Source: Pok Rie/Pexels

This initiative will allow the federal government to provide technical and monetary assistance to states. States can apply for federal loans to help build these new modern transmission lines for their grid.


Pushing For Change

While this initiative is beneficial for those who want to utilize clean energy, it’s also a step forward for keeping the grid safe and secure. Ali Zaidi, the White House national climate adviser, touched on these topics.

The silhouettes of electrical towers and wires seen outside.

Source: natsuki/Unsplash

In a statement, Zaidi said, “We are investing tens of billions — the most significant public investment in a generation — to strengthen our grid to prevent power outages in the face of extreme weather, bolster US energy security, and drive innovation.”


Steering Clear of Power Outages

Other than allowing more clean energy to run the electrical grid system of the country, this new initiative has been welcomed by analysts as it can help the U.S. potentially steer clear of power outages.

Two workers up repairing electric wires in the daytime.

Source: American Public Power Association/Unsplash

This announcement was made on the same day that at least 600,000 Texans lost power because of severe storms and tornado activity.


A Push For More Action

For a while now, industry leaders have been pushing for the U.S. grid and infrastructure to be modernized. FERC chairman Willie Phillips has further pushed for more action.

A close-up of the electrical grid system seen in the daytime.

Source: American Public Power Association/Unsplash

“Our country’s aging grid is being tested in ways that we’ve never seen before,” Phillips said. “Without significant action now, we won’t be able to keep the lights on in the face of increasing demand, extreme weather, and new technologies.”


An Upcoming Announcement

This announcement of a push to modernize the country’s grid will occur at a summit featuring industry groups, electric regulators, and states.

President Joe Biden in front of a podium outside speaking into a microphone.

Source: Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

The White House and the Department of Energy will make this announcement together.
