The Mysterious Natural ‘Pyramids’ Discovered Amidst the Ice in Antarctica

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Jul 21, 2024

Archaeologists and amateur researchers are always on the lookout for the next thrilling discovery. For several years, some have suggested that groundbreaking finds await us beneath Antarctica’s thick layers of ice.

In recent years, photographs of what appears to be a large pyramid emerging from the ice in Antarctica have captivated the interest of many online. But what is this structure? Did an ancient civilization create it, or is it merely the work of Mother Nature? Let’s find out.

Antarctica Pyramids Go Viral

Nearly a decade ago, news of a unique, pyramid-shaped mountain in one of the world’s most inhospitable regions began to gain traction on the Internet.

A photograph of the Antarctica pyramid from a distance

Source: @ConspiracyDad3/X

The enormous structure was photographed on the continent of Antarctica, a region sometimes referred to as the South Pole, which extends 600 miles south towards the tip of South America.

Antarctica’s Ellsworth Mountains

The so-called pyramid mountain doesn’t have an official name of its own. However, it’s one of many peaks that comprise Antarctica’s Ellsworth Mountains.

A photograph of a large mountain in Antarctica

Source: Wikimedia

According to the US Geological Survey, the prominent American aviator Lincoln Ellsworth discovered the mountains nearly 90 years ago.

Unique Pyramid Shape

Despite his discovery of the mountain, Ellsworth never made any attempt to suggest it was anything more than a structure created by Mother Nature.

A photograph of campers near the heritage range in Antarctica

Source: Wikimedia

The mountain in question lies in an area called Heritage Range and extends upwards to approximately 4,150 feet. While this is considerably smaller than others around the world, its unique pyramid shape sets it apart from the rest.

Conspiracy Theories Surrounding the Pyramid Structure

The photograph of this pyramid structure has since captivated audiences around the world, and many have shared their own theories on its origin.

A photograph of several people gathered around a table

Source: Wikimedia

Various alternative history buffs online have claimed the pyramid structure is the work of an ancient civilization that once thrived in the region before the last ice age. Yet, there is no evidence to back up this suggestion.

Did Aliens Create the Pyramid of Antarctica?

Some people have used the pyramid’s unique shape to postulate the existence of extraterrestrials on Earth.

An artist's depiction of a UFO

Source: Freepik

According to this theory, humans are incapable of constructing such a structure in the depths of Antarctica. So, the only other explanation would be to suggest ancient aliens were behind its constitution. However, this theory has even less evidence than the latter.


Research Claims the Structure is Simply a Mountain

During an interview with Live Science, Eric Rignot, a professor of Earth system science at the University of California, Irvine, shared his thoughts on the unique pyramid-shaped mountain.

A photograph of the Ellsworth mountain range in Antarctica

Source: Wikimedia

The researcher had a simple explanation for the unusual structure, explaining, “This is just a mountain that looks like a pyramid.”


People’s Fascination With the Mountain

The fascination with the pyramid-shaped mountain online likely stems from its uniform sides, says Rignot.

A photograph depicting several friends looking at an image on a phone

Source: Freepik

He further explained, “Pyramid shapes are not impossible — many peaks partially look like pyramids, but they only have one to two faces like that, rarely four.”


So Why Does It Look So Much Like a Pyramid?

Mauri Pelto, a professor of environmental science at Nichols College in Dudley, Massachusetts, explained why this particular mountain resembles a pyramid.

Artists' depiction of the pyramid in Antarctica

Source: @Rusty2024/X

According to the researcher, freeze-thaw erosion likely resulted in its unique shape. This process occurs when water or snow fills cracks within a mountain during daylight hours. The ice expands as the sun goes down and the temperature drops, forcing the cracks to grow. Over time, this will remove large chunks from the mountain, essential to shaping it in the process.


Freeze-Thaw Affects Other Mountains

According to Pelto, this freeze-thaw process has shaped other mountains around the world, including the Matterhorn in the European Alps.

A photograph of a large mountain in the Alps

Source: Wikimedia

“It suggests, since it came out so evenly, that the rock type is fairly uniform,” Pelto said. “You don’t have any rock layers that are harder to erode.”


The Erosion Isn’t Uniform, Says Researcher

According to Pelto, plenty of evidence suggests the structure is simply a mountain. One example is that “the erosion probably wasn’t as uniform [on the eastern side],” he explained.

A photograph of a large mountain in Antarctica

Source: Wikimedia

When questioned about conspiracy theorists’ ideas, the researcher emphasized the importance of critical thinking, saying, “At least they’re thinking about something. In the end, maybe they’ll learn something in the process.”


Enjoy the Work of Mother Nature

So, while researchers are fairly certain the pyramid-shaped mountain in Antarctica is nothing more than a marvel of Mother Nature, that doesn’t make it any less awe-inspiring.

A wooded forest with several large mountains in the background

Source: Wikimedia

Instead of searching for a superficial or supernatural explanation of nature’s complexities and the shapes it may form, it’s best to simply enjoy the beauty of structures such as the Antarctica pyramid.
