The Oldest Tree in the World Is Hidden in the United States

By: Julia | Published: May 27, 2024

The oldest tree in the world is hidden in the United States, as government officials seek to protect the ancient living thing from harm.

This incredibly old tree is part of one of the oldest tree species in the world and has lived through thousands of years.

Learning From Old Trees

Experts and scientists around the world search for ancient trees, as much can be learned from these very old living plants.

A bristlecone pine tree in the Inyo National Forest in the daytime.

Source: Gus Tonsay/Wikimedia Commons

As ancient trees often have been able to survive natural disasters, extreme weather, humans, and pests, scientists seek to learn a lot from how these trees have managed to live for so long.

A Tree in the United States

While many may believe the oldest tree in the world may be found in areas like Africa or the Middle East, where ancient humans and civilizations once thrived, this isn’t actually the case.

A sign for the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest in Inyo National Forest seen in the daytime with mountains in the distance.

Source: daveynin/Wikimedia Commons

In reality, the oldest tree in the world is located in the United States — and in the Inyo National Forest, located between the Sierra Nevada range on the California and Nevada border, to be precise.

The Discovery of Methuselah

The oldest living tree in the world was discovered by dendrochronologist Edmund Schulman in 1957. Schulman named the tree “Methuselah” after he found it, a name that it continues to go by.

A close-up of an ancient bristlecone pine tree located in the Inyo National Forest.

Source: Gnarly/Wikimedia Commons

The tree was named after the biblical figure that was said to live for more than 900 years. Currently, Methuselah is thought to be about 5,000 years old.

Bristlecone Pines

Methuselah is a bristlecone pine, which is also the oldest tree species in the world. Bristlecone pines can be found in the White Mountains of California.

A view of many bristlecone pine trees seen in the daytime on a hill in the Inyo National Forest.

Source: Z3lvs/Wikimedia Commons

These trees — which are also called Pinus Longaeva — are considered “extremophiles” by scientists, thanks to their ability to survive just about anything.

A Long Living Tree Species

Bristlecone pines can survive incredibly harsh environments, as they are slow-growing. This means they can survive very cold temperatures, as well as high winds. They can thrive in dry soils and don’t need long seasons.

A bristlecone pine tree seen in the daytime in Inyo National Forest.

Source: Matthew Dillon/Wikimedia Commons

Scientists have found that these trees use a “sectored architecture” to grow, which results in their roots only feeding the parts of the tree that are directly above them. Because of this unique structure, the tree can live for a long time, as only one section of the tree will die if a root dies.


Growing Around Dead Parts

Because of this sectored architecture, bristlecone pines can work around their dead parts. If a root dies, the part right above it dies.

Many bristlecone pine trees seen on a hillside in the Inyo National Forest.

Source: Dcrjsr/Wikimedia Commons

Then, the tree will simply keep growing. However, it will work around its skeletal parts leftover from its dead aspects.


A Hidden Tree

While Methuselah is still currently alive, scientists and the government aren’t keen on allowing just anyone near it, as they’d like to ensure it keeps living for as long as it can.

A close-up of the trunk of a bristlecone pine tree in the Inyo National Forest.

Source: Z3lvs/Wikimedia Commons

As a result, nobody really knows where Methuselah is, as its location is secret. There aren’t any known pictures of it floating around online, either. All the public knows is that it’s in the Inyo National Forest.


The Oldest Living Thing on the Planet

One of the reasons why experts want to keep Methuselah’s location private is because this tree is considered to be the oldest living single thing on the planet.

A view of the planet Earth seen in black space.

Source: NASA/Unsplash

It’s been around for possibly more than 5,000 years. They don’t human interaction to potentially harm its ancient life.


Climate Change Worries

Unfortunately, experts have grown increasingly worried in recent years that Methuselah may have some issues in the near future, thanks to climate change.

A view of a forest fire, with many trees on fire, seen in the evening.

Source: Matt Howard/Unsplash

Climate change could negatively impact the health of many of the world’s oldest living trees, including Methuselah. Forest fires remain one of the biggest concerns.


Another Ancient Tree

Previously, another old tree was found to be about 4,900 years old. However, this ancient tree wasn’t found to be this old until after it was cut down.

A bird’s eye view of the Bristlecone Pine Forest in the Inyo National Park in the daytime.

Source: Z3lvs/Wikimedia Commons

A geographer gained permission from the Forest Service to cut down this incredibly old tree, which was named Prometheus. After it was fully cut down, experts realized it was one of the oldest trees around.


An Old Tree in Florida

Though Methuselah is the oldest tree located in the United States — and the world — there are many other very old trees that can be found elsewhere in the country.

A look up at the sky behind many big trees seen in Florida.

Source: Melissa Mullin/Unsplash

For example, a 400-year-old tree named “Big Tree” is a southern live oak living in Florida. This tree has been struck by lightning at least three times — and survived. It has also experienced many hurricanes over its hundreds of years.
