Things Christians Do That Aren’t Actually Biblical

By: Past Chronicles Staff | Published: Apr 06, 2024

Modern Christianity seems to be moving further away from the true biblical intentions laid out in the Bible. 

Common Christian behaviors that do not reflect biblical accuracy have been plaguing the internet for a long time now and need to be called out.

Attempting to Convert Those Around You

While it can be an important part of many Christian sects to spread the good word, forcing or demanding that anyone follow a particular belief system is not found in the Bible. 

Three young people reach their hands out on a globe

Source: doidam10/Canva

As Media Decision US reports, Jesus always shared his belief system with those around him. However, after sharing, it’s up to others’ to decide if they want to follow Christianity. It’s not up to any Christian to force the beliefs onto anyone else or make them feel guilty for rejecting the teachings. 

Keep Your Righteous Attitude Out of the Gospel

Instead of showing off how holy you might feel, it’s important to keep a private relationship with Christ.

People of all ages and genders in a large group hold their hands up in prayer

Source: jaefrench/Pixabay

Corinthians 13:2 states that without love, we have nothing. It is therefore the most important aspect of the Christian gospel to spread love and kindness and not spout how connected with Christ you might feel. 

Donating for the Wrong Reasons

In our modern world, it’s common to see people videotaping themselves giving a homeless person money, helping someone in their community buy a new pair of shoes, or showing off a big donation. 

One person is hanging a man a clear box with food inside at a food bank

Source: Julia M Cameron/Pexels

However, it’s important to partake in altruistic deeds for the sake of making the world better, instead of doing it to show off. 

Not Living True to Christ

Labeling yourself as “Christian” comes with a lot more than just slapping on a title.

A man holds his hands around the Holy Bible

Source: doidam10/Canva

While it’s fair to debate the meaning of stories within the Bible, one truth remains clear: to call yourself a Christian, you better back it up with actions. Hypocrisy is one of the worst issues plaguing the Christian community right now. It’s best to lead by example and follow the true meaning of Jesus’ teachings.

Going Against Modern Medicine and Therapy

While good Christians should always be praying for anyone experiencing severe health difficulties, seeking professional help does not deny the Lord’s presence.

A young woman sits with her back to the camera while a doctor smiles and makes notes on her chart

Source: nortonrx/Getty Images

Recently, a new trend has emerged online that rejects all forms of modern medicine and professional therapy in hopes that purely prayer will work. However, seeking the best care for yourself and your loved ones might be the exact type of intervention that God will provide you with. 


Focusing on Material Wealth

A common issue with Mega Churches and flashy followers is assuming that anyone who acquires material wealth is simply more blessed than the less fortunate. 

The back of a woman is shown sitting in a pew while praying at Church

Source: Creativa Images/Canva

The Bible includes many instances of good people suffering from financial hardships through no fault of their own. On the flip side, we can also see examples of wealthy owners hoarding cash and resources from others as one of the worst deeds. The major sin of Gluttony also refers to the overindulgence in material goods and hoarding personal wealth.


Shunning Material Goods All Together

Although a vow of poverty can be a noble pursuit, it does not mean regular Christians should avoid trying to make money to live a good life. 

The outside of Spanish style missions building is shown against a blue sky

Source: S. Greg Panosian/Getty Images

The most important thing to remember about wealth is that it can be used for good. A person can take care of their family or give back to the community when blessed with the opportunity to do so.


Putting Down Alternative Family Structures

While a traditional family with a mother, father, and kids is a splendid type of family to have, it doesn’t mean that those without it should feel less than.

A young couple sits on the floor with their kids while holding their hands above the kids’ heads in an upside down V formation

Source: natik_1123/Pixabay

The Bible embraced all types of non-traditional family structures. The most important thing is to cherish what you have and take care of those around you. Even if you’re single and haven’t found a life-partner yet, you can still make your friends and family feel loved and appreciated. 


Rejecting Modern Science

Another big move from modern Christians online is to reject science. However, this will cause more issues in the long run.

A scientist holds a beaker with purple liquid and a pipet while wearing yellow gloves and a white coat

Source: Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels

It’s entirely possible for science and Christianity to co-exist. Many Christian leaders count on scientists to explain the world that God created and to help move along modern developments. Science is a part of the world’s process, and it would be impossible to know what is fact or fiction without studying what we can see.


Cherry Picking Scripture

Another act of hypocrisy that all food Christians should reject is the act of using a single piece of scripture for your own benefit while ignoring others. 

Two people work together while reading their Bibles and highlighting important passages

Source: Tima Miroscnichenko/Pexels

Certain pieces of scripture often get taken out of context to try and justify certain beliefs. However, the main objectives of Jesus’ teachings are widely known, and when in doubt, stick to the true intentions of the Bible. 


Remember to Live Life Authentically

Humility is one of the most important beliefs of the Christian belief system.

A large cross sits on a hill as the sun rises

Source: wwing/Getty Images

If you find that you’ve been living against the true teachings of the Bible, it’s never too late to analyze your actions and faith to become a better version of yourself.
