This Is the Most Remote Place on Earth

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Apr 09, 2024

The open sea can be a vastly remote and terrifying place free from human contact for hundreds of miles in every direction. 

But the title of the most remote place on earth goes to Point Nemo, a geographical location so far from civilization that it is closer to the International Space Station than any other human.

Where Is Point Nemo?

Point Nemo refers to an enormous portion of land in the South Pacific Ocean, which experts surmise is around 34 times larger than the European nation of France. 

An image taken of the vast South Pacific Ocean

Source: Wikimedia

Due to a plethora of reasons, including weak currents and its remote location, wildlife has struggled to evolve in this isolated region. 

When Was Point Nemo Discovered?

It was first discovered in 1992, when Hrvoje Lukatela had been tasked with finding the most remote location in all of the world’s oceans. 

An image of a man writing on a large blackboard

Source: Freepik

Using a sophisticated computer program, the engineer successfully calculated the coordinates that were the furthest from any landmass in each direction. 

How Big Is Point Nemo?

According to researchers, Point Nemo has a total area of around 22 million square kilometers.

An image that depicts several large waves crashing in an ocean

Source: Freepik

Its name comes from the Latin “Nemo,” meaning “no one,” and hints at its isolated nature. 

The Farthest Place from Civilization

Point Nemo is often described as the farthest place from civilization due to its isolated nature.

An image of a surfer as he looks out to the ocean's horizon

Source: Freepik

If a ship were to float close to the center of Point Nemo, it would be more than 1,000 miles from civilization in every direction. 

How Far Is Point Nemo from Humanity?

To truly grasp just how isolated Point Nemo is, the closest body of land is Ducie Island, which is around 1,670 miles away to the north. 

An image that depicts how far Point Nemo is from various places in the ocean

Source: Wikimedia

The first body of land west of Point Nemo is the Chatham Islands in New Zealand, which showcase just how isolated this region really is. 


The Remoteness of Point Nemo

Traveling northeast from the isolated region, the next time a ship would come across land would be when it reached Motu Nui, one of the Easter Islands. To the south, it would have to reach Maher Island, which is part of Antarctica

An image of Motu Nui, a small island close to Easter Island

Source: Wikimedia

For those interested in the coordinates of the remote region, they are 48°52.6′S 123°23.6′W.


The Closest Humans to Point Nemo

While a ship would have to travel well over 1,000 miles from Point Nemo to come into contact with humans, at times, people in the sky are much closer. 

An image of several astronauts during a spacewalk above the nation of New Zealand

Source: Wikimedia

During their orbit around the Earth, those aboard the International Space Station are as little as 248 miles away from Point Nemo. 


Space Agencies Are Fairly Familiar with Point Nemo

The International Space Station and the agencies behind it are all too familiar with Point Nemo. 

An image of the International Space Station floating above Earth

Source: Wikimedia

Its location is used when experts begin calculating the trajectory of spacecraft re-entering the earth’s atmosphere, which is known as the “de-orbiting” process. 


Spacecraft Graveyard

Point Nemo is also referred to as a spacecraft graveyard, as many decommissioned satellites and rockets end up beneath its waves. 

An image of a spacecraft crash landing into the water

Source: Wikimedia

When the Russians decided to decommission Mir, their space station, experts agreed that the remote Point Nemo was the best place for it to crash land.


Crash Landing Spacecraft in Point Nemo

Experts believe crash-landing a decommissioned spacecraft into the waters of Point Nemo is the best option as it ensures no damage will occur on land. 

An image of a Russian spacecraft floating through space

Source: Wikimedia

However, as a result of this, the remote region has become a spacecraft cemetery. It’s even rumored NASA will send the International Space Station to a watery grave in the region as it is due to be reconfigured or dismantled in 2024. 


Point Nemo in Pop Culture

Due to its inaccessibility to the average human, Point Nemo has become increasingly popular in pop culture over the years. It was the location for the mythological city of R’Lyeh, a place in H.P. “Lovecraft’s Against the World, Against Life.”

An image of the Gorillaz during a live performance in London

Source: Wikimedia

It is also the center point of an album released by the popular British band Gorillaz. They based an entire continent on the same latitude and longitude as the vastly remote region.
