This Rare Coin is Worth Over $5 Million

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Sep 11, 2024

For coin collectors, the thrill of the hunt is part of the appeal. The possibility of stumbling upon a rare coin that could be worth a significant amount is an exciting prospect. The value of a coin can range from a few dollars to thousands, and in some cases, even millions.

One coin very few people have ever seen, engraved with an image of George Washington, may appear to be nothing more than a quarter to the untrained eye. Yet, to others, it could fetch several million at auction. But what, exactly, makes this coin so unique? Let’s find out.

Coin Collecting in the United States

Coin collecting can be a relatively profitable venture for those who are willing to play the long game. Each year, coins slowly increase in value, and as of 2023, the entire market was worth upwards of $18 billion.

A photograph of a large coin collection

Source: Wikimedia

However, the one downside is that it requires a significant amount of knowledge and research capabilities, as minor details in the coin can determine whether it’s worth $10 or $10,000.

How to Tell if a Coin Is Worth a lot of Money

Certain coins are worth an exorbitant amount of money for a variety of reasons. But in comparison, even older coins could be worth less than the buttons on your shirt.

A photograph of a stack of American cash

Source: Wikimedia

Differentiating between the two can prove rather challenging and often requires an expert’s eyes, but some tips can help. As with all things in the modern era, the internet is always a good place to start.

Tips That Can Help Discern the Value of Coins

One indicator that the coin in your possession is worth more than its face value is that it is no longer in production. Historical significance can also increase the value of any given coin.

A man is pictured holding a small gold coin

Source: Wikimedia

If a coin is extremely difficult to come across, this can also increase its worth. However, coins that come with unusual defects due to errors on the production line tend to send collectors into bidding frenzies.

Rare Coins Produced to Celebrate Independence

Why it may prove challenging to believe there are extremely rare coins in the world that could fetch over millions at auction.

A photograph of a painting showcasing the signing of the Declaration of Independence

Source: Wikimedia

One coin that every coin enthusiast can only dream of adding to their collection is a unique variant of the George Washington Bicentennial Quarter, originally produced to celebrate the 200th anniversary of American independence.

The Unique Aspects of the George Washington Bicentennial Quarter

The George Washington Bicentennial Quarter was minted in 1975 and 1976 and has dual dates of 1776-1976 inscribed on its surface.

A painting of George Washington crossing the Delaware

Source: Wikimedia

On one side, an iconic bust of Geroge Washington takes up most of the coin’s surface. It is accompanied by several inscriptions that read ” LIBERTY” and “IN GOD WE TRUST.”


The Distinctive Features of the Reverse Side of the Coin

The other side of the coin portrays an image of a colonial drummer accompanied by a victory torch. Thirteen stars sit in the top left corner, symbolizing the original thirteen colonies.

Drummer side of the George Washington Bicentennial Quarter

Source: Wikimedia

Inscriptions can also be found on this side of the coin, which read, “UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,” “E PLURIBUS UNUM,” and “QUARTER DOLLAR.”


What Makes the Coin so Valuable?

The coin’s design and its relation to American independence make it a relatively collectible coin. However, a small number of these coins have unique variants that drastically increase their value.

A photograph of a man cleaning a coin

Source: Freepik

An unknown number of quarters were minted with a rare error. During production, a die used to stamp the coins’ various designs were misaligned, resulting in a double-struck feature that collectors find alluring.


The Rarity of the Coin

It has been estimated that millions of Bicentennial celebration coins were minted, yet only a few have been observed with the rare double-struck error.

A photograph of coins on a wooden table

Source: Wikimedia

The rarity of this production error, coupled with the historical significance of the coins, has drastically increased their price, with some being worth up to $5 million.


Market Demand for the Rare Coin

The historical context, unique design, and minting error have made this a highly sought-after collectible, and coin hunters are always on the lookout for this rare item.

A photograph of a collector's book of coins

Source: Wikimedia

While it’s worth $5 million today, collectors’ enthusiasm will only drive the prize up in the future as market demand increases. Who knows? In ten years, it could be worth double what it is today.


Worthwhile Checking Your Coins at Home

If you have a jar of coins at home, it’s worth taking a closer look. Who knows, you might find a coin that’s been double-struck, potentially worth millions. The thought of such a valuable item lying in storage is certainly intriguing and may motivate you to start sifting through your collection.

A man is pictured seated at a desk with jars of coins

Source: Freepik

Even if your Bicentennial coin isn’t double-struck, it is still considered valuable. In pristine condition, the coins can fetch upwards of $6,000.


$30 million Coin

If you think $5 million is ludicrous for a coin, well, other rare Bicentennial quarters have been valued at a staggering $30 million.

A photograph of a 1932 Washington Quarter

Source: Wikimedia

The 1932 Washington Quarter is a super rare coin. With limited minting and only a few known examples in high-grade condition, it’s considered the holy grail of collectors. So, while you’re looking through your change for a Bicentennial coin, keep an eye out for the 1932 Washington quarter. It could be hiding in plain sight.
