Trump Faces Harsh Backlash After Off The Wall Claim About Jesus

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Aug 30, 2024

During a recent interview with Dr. Phil, Donald Trump made an unexpected claim that left viewers and the host in disbelief. Trump suggested he would have won California if Jesus Christ himself had been the vote counter.

The comment sparked immediate reactions and added another layer of controversy to his ongoing claims about election fraud.

California's Voting History

California, a state that has not voted Republican in a presidential election since George H.W. Bush in 1988, was a focal point in Trump’s discussion.

Californian flag flying above the clouds

Source: Eric Chan, Wikimedia

Despite losing by about 30 percentage points in both 2016 and 2020, Trump insists he could win with “an honest vote counter.”

The Bizarre Jesus Comment

Trump’s claim, “If Jesus came down and was the vote counter, I would win California,” caught many off guard.

A photograph of Donald Trump on stage at an event

Source: Wikimedia

This off-the-wall comment was seen by many as a desperate attempt to justify his loss in a historically Democratic state, further fueling debate over his mental fitness for office.

Immediate Reactions on Social Media

Critics and the public took to social media almost instantly. Memes, jokes, and harsh criticism flooded platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

A woman dressed in a shirt looks at her smartphone with a concerned face

Source: Freepik

Many users mocked the idea that divine intervention was necessary for Trump to win California, questioning his grasp on reality and his continuous promotion of debunked voter fraud claims.

Kamala Harris Campaign's Response

The Kamala Harris campaign was quick to respond, releasing a statement saying Trump had “reached a level of delusion difficult for even Dr. Phil to diagnose.”

A photograph of Kamala Harris onstage at an event

Source: Wikimedia

This response highlighted the absurdity of Trump’s comment and is a prime example of the increasing concern over his erratic behavior during his campaign.

Ted Lieu's Sharp Critique

Congressman Ted Lieu didn’t hold back, tweeting that he doubted Jesus would “come down for a man found liable by a jury for sexual assault.”

A phtotogrpah of a smartphone screen which displays social media icons

Source: Wikimedia

Lieu pointed out that even Jesus, the supposed divine vote counter in Trump’s scenario, would confirm his loss in California and other key states like Georgia and Michigan.


Jason Kander's Take on Parenting and Failure

Former Missouri Secretary of State Jason Kander also chimed in, advising parents not to shield their children from failure by lying about their successes.

A smartphone with a social media folder open. The apps in the folder are Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (X).

Source: dole777/Unsplash

He drew a parallel to Trump’s refusal to accept his election loss, subtly suggesting that facing failure honestly is an important lesson, one that Trump seems to struggle with.


Dr. Phil’s Skeptical Reaction

Dr. Phil, known for his psychological insight, appeared visibly skeptical during the interview.


Source: The Hollywood Reporter

His expression and reactions became a talking point, with many viewers suggesting that even the TV personality was taken aback by Trump’s wild assertions, adding a layer of disbelief to the whole episode.


Fact-Checking Trump’s Voter Fraud Claims

Despite Trump’s repeated claims of voter fraud in California, multiple investigations have found no evidence to support these allegations.

Donald Trump pulling a face for the camera. Two microphones are in front of him.

Source: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons

Fact-checkers have consistently debunked his statements, time and time again highlighting the lack of credibility behind his accusations and the growing concern about his disconnection from reality.


The Broader Implications for Trump’s 2024 Campaign

As Trump campaigns for a return to the White House in 2024, his latest remarks raise questions about his ability to appeal beyond his loyal base.

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

Source: Andrew Harnik/Getty Images; Rebecca Noble/Getty Images

Critics argue that his erratic statements and fixation on debunked voter fraud theories could alienate potential swing voters and undermine his chances of securing the Republican nomination—something highly reminiscent of the concerns surrounding President Biden before he dropped out.


A Loyalty Divide: Base vs. Broader Electorate

While Trump’s core supporters may find his comments entertaining or even endearing, the broader electorate might see them as further proof that he is unfit for office.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally at the Trump National Doral Golf Club on July 09, 2024 in Doral, Florida. Trump continues to campaign across the country

Source: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

This divide could present a significant challenge for Trump as he tries to navigate the complex landscape of modern American politics.


Challenges and Opportunities

Moving forward, Trump’s ability to refine his messaging and focus on more grounded campaign strategies will be a big component.

A photograph of Donald Trump yelling

Source: Wikimedia

As he continues to face backlash for his off-the-wall comments, only time will tell if he can regain the confidence of the broader electorate and mount some semblance of a successful bid for the presidency in 2024.
