Unapproved Autobiography Adds to List of Controversies for Trump-Endorsed Senate Candidate

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Sep 09, 2024

Tim Sheehy, a former Navy SEAL and GOP nominee for Montana’s 2024 U.S. Senate race, has been hailed as a political newcomer to watch.

Endorsed by former President Donald Trump, Sheehy is running against incumbent Sen. Jon Tester, but his candidacy has been overshadowed by growing controversies surrounding his military service and a memoir released in 2023.

Memoir Raises Red Flags

Sheehy’s autobiography, Mudslingers: A True Story of Aerial Firefighting, was reportedly published without clearance from the Pentagon, a requirement for all former military personnel.

A woman dressed in a shirt looks at her smartphone with a concerned face

Source: Freepik

According to a report by The Guardian, Sheehy failed to submit the required DD 1910 form before publishing his book, sparking questions about whether any sensitive information was disclosed.

What Is the DD 1910 Form?

The DD 1910 form is a Pentagon requirement that ensures military memoirs do not contain classified information or breach operational security. Failing to submit this form means Sheehy bypassed a vital review process.

A photograph of the US Pentagon

Source: Wikimedia

The Department of Defense confirmed that no records of communication or approval were found for Sheehy’s memoir.

An Inconsistent Military Record

Beyond the unapproved memoir, Sheehy’s accounts of his military service have raised eyebrows.

A photo of the boots of several US soldiers walking in lines

Source: @PeteMuller/Getty Images Signature

Sheehy claims he left the Navy SEALs due to injury and frustration with military policies, but earlier statements suggest he was discharged for wounds sustained on duty.

The Controversy Surrounding His Injury

Sheehy has also faced questions about how and when he was shot in the arm during his time in the military.

A photograph of the U.S. National Guard showing the boots and pants of several soldiers in a row

Source: iStock

While campaigning, Sheehy has emphasized this injury, yet records from a 2015 incident show he was cited for illegally discharging a firearm in a national park—a detail that contradicts parts of his story.

How Mudslingers Fits Into the Puzzle

While Mudslingers covers much of Sheehy’s post-military career as an aerial firefighter, only 25 of its 325 pages focus on his time as a Navy SEAL.

An image of several Navy Seals landing on a beach

Source: Wikimedia

Despite this, the lack of Pentagon clearance has now added to the growing list of questions about Sheehy’s military service and how much of it is accurately portrayed.


Legal Precedents and Military Memoirs

Sheehy isn’t the first figure to face legal trouble over an unapproved military memoir. John Bolton and Mark Esper, both former Trump officials, encountered lawsuits and Pentagon pushback regarding their books.

A lawyer is pictured thinking in his office

Source: Freepik

While Sheehy’s Mudslingers hasn’t triggered legal action yet, similar cases have set a concerning precedent coming from the Republican Presidential candidate.


The Role of the Defense Office of Prepublication Review

The Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR), which reviews memoirs, exists to ensure sensitive military information isn’t disclosed to the public.

Lawyer fills out paperwork on a desk with a judges gavel beside him

Source: Freepik

In Sheehy’s case, DOPSR confirmed they had “no record” of a review or approval for his book, heightening concerns about Sheehy’s adherence to Pentagon rules.


Sheehy’s Response to the Allegations

So far, Sheehy has remained quiet on the issue, with his campaign dismissing questions about the lack of Pentagon clearance as politically motivated.

Several reporters are pictured standing around a woman

Source: Freepik

A spokesperson for Sheehy did not respond to requests for comment following the Guardian’s report, leaving voters in Montana wondering if more details will emerge.


How This Could Impact the Senate Race

Montana’s 2024 Senate race is crucial as Republicans aim to take back control of the Senate.

The floor of the U.S. Senate while empty.

United States Senate/Wikimedia Commons

Polling indicates a tight race between Sheehy and Sen. Tester, but controversies surrounding Sheehy’s military record and memoir could sway voters in Tester’s favor. As of late August, Sheehy leads Tester by 6 points in the polls.


Trump’s Endorsement and Its Influence

Tim Sheehy’s endorsement from Donald Trump has boosted his campaign in a state that leans heavily Republican.

A photograph of Donald Trump

Source: Getty Images

Trump called Sheehy an “America First patriot,” solidifying his support among conservative voters. However, ongoing controversies might raise concerns even among those loyal to Trump’s base.


What’s Next for Sheehy’s Campaign?

With questions surrounding his military service and memoir piling up, Tim Sheehy’s campaign faces an uncertain future.

A 'Vote' sign is posted at the Orange County Registrar of Voters less than two weeks before midterms Election Day on October 27, 2022 in Santa Ana, California

Source: Mario Tama/Getty Images

Whether or not his controversies will affect the final vote in Montana remains to be seen, but as the race heats up, the pressure is on for Sheehy to address the inconsistencies head-on.
