US Navy Chief Wanted WiFi on Warship Secretly Ran Illegal Starlink Network

By: May Man Published: Sep 06, 2024

A senior enlisted leader in the US Navy was demoted after being caught operating an illegal WiFi network on a warship.

She used a leadership association’s debit card to cover the monthly bills and named the network “STINKY,” according to a report.

Grisel Marrero’s Role and Deception

Grisel Marrero, who served as the command senior chief aboard the USS Manchester, set up and operated the unauthorized WiFi network during a 2023 deployment.

top view of wifi symbol on notebook and a smartphone on the right with a pen

Source: Freepik

She attempted to hide the network by lying to her superiors and falsifying official records, according to a charge sheet seen by Business Insider.

Demotion and Charges

On May 29, a judgment was filed demoting Marrero from senior chief petty officer to chief petty officer.

A photograph of the Atlantic Ocean taken on a clear and calm day

Source: Freepik

This ruling followed her conviction for dereliction of duty and providing false statements to her commanders.

Navy Investigation Uncovers Details

A report from Navy Times, based on Navy investigation documents, revealed further details about Marrero’s actions.

An image of several US Navy sailors dressed in uniform

Source: Wikimedia

She worked secretly with other enlisted chiefs to install and maintain a Starlink network on the USS Manchester, costing approximately $1,000 per month.

Personal Funding of the Starlink System

Marrero personally funded the Starlink dish and related equipment, spending $2,800 using her own credit card.

A person handing out their blue debit card.

Source: Pixabay/Pexels

She also took on the role of network administrator, giving herself control over who could access the network.

Concealing the Dish Installation

The satellite dish was installed by Marrero and another chief on the ship’s weather deck during an “aloft” period.

WiFi dish

Source: Freepik

This allowed them to avoid logging the installation and helped them hide the illegal network from official records.


Shared Costs Among Chiefs

While Marrero initially paid for the Starlink dish, the chiefs aboard the Manchester shared the recurring costs.

Woman holding a credit card in front of her laptop

Source: Freepik

They used the Chief Petty Officer Association debit card to pay the bills and kept access to the network restricted to themselves, according to Navy Times.


Marrero Denies Network Existence

As junior sailors and commanding officers began to notice the WiFi network, Marrero continued to deny its existence.

A smartphone with a social media folder open. The apps in the folder are Instagram, Facebook and Twitter (X).

Source: dole777/Unsplash

Navy Times reported that she lied to her commanding officer three times between July and August 2023, claiming there was no WiFi onboard.


Network Name Change to Avoid Detection

To further conceal the network, Marrero changed its name from “STINKY” to something resembling a wireless printer, even though there were no such printers on the ship.

Printer on a desk printing documents

This information was uncovered during the Navy’s investigation.


Discovery of the Unauthorized Dish

The illegal Starlink dish was discovered on August 18 by a civilian contractor who was installing an authorized satellite communication system.

A woman is pictured texting on her phone

Source: Freepik

Upon realizing she had been caught, Marrero texted a crew member, “The gig is up,” as revealed in the investigation.


Attempt to Remove Evidence

After being confronted, Marrero and the other chiefs involved tried to remove the dish. They later claimed that they had only used the WiFi network while the ship was in port.

close up hand holding a cell phone in front of laptop

Source: Freepik

Marrero was also accused of tampering with data usage records to further hide the network’s existence.


Marrero Admits to Installing the Network

On August 26, 2023, Marrero admitted to her commanding officer that she had installed the illegal WiFi network.

A wooden gavel against a wooden block.

Source: Tingey Injury Law Firm/Unsplash

Court records show she pled guilty to two counts of dereliction of duty but not guilty to obstruction of justice, though she was ultimately found guilty of all charges.
