‘It’s a trap’: Far-Right Activist Warned Vance to Decline Trump’s VP Offer in Leaked Messages

By: Stephanie Bontorin | Published: Aug 08, 2024

Months worth of communication from the newly appointed vice presidential candidate for the Republican party have been exposed. Senator JD Vance (R-Ohio) has been secretly corresponding with a far-right activist with ties to an extremist fringe group.

Information uncovered by the Washington Post shows that a 35-year-old man named Charles Johnson, who has been an outspoken member of the alt-right and a Holocaust denier, tried to warn Vance not to accept the right-hand spot to former President Donald J. Trump.

Who Is Charles Johnson

Charles Johnson has previously held close ties to the Republican party. In 2018, he was invited by Matt Gaetz to the State of the Union speech before being decried as a far-right, white supremacist Holocaust denier.

A man with a beard and glasses sitting next to a man driving a car

Source: @JohnsonThought1/X

After the dinner, Matt Brooks, the executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, said that he did not appreciate Johnson’s views on the Holocaust being represented at the event.  Gaetz would later try and distance himself from the far-right extremist and cut all social ties.

How Did Johnson Get So Close to the Party?

Johnson has been an outspoken member of fringe groups on the internet since 2013. He described himself as an “investigative journalist” and has been tied to creating several fake news stories over the years.

A man with red hair, glasses, and a suit standing next to the Embassy of Ukraine sign

Source: @JohnsonThought1/X

During the Trump administration, he worked with a Silicon Valley financier to back the campaign, which likely got him closer to Trump’s inner circle. He has also been labeled as a federal informant for the U.S. Government, but unknown in what capacity.

Johnson's Communication With Vance

Johnson claims that he has worked as a sort of mentor to fellow Silicon Valley alumnus Vance.

Vance speaking with palms facing out

Source: Ralph Branson/Wikimedia

He alleges that just a few days after Vance was first elected as the Senator of Ohio he needed to “keep [him] out of trouble.”

Encrypted Messaging App

The far-right extremist claims to have been communicating with the Ohio Senator through an encrypted messaging app called Signal.

A man typing on an iPhone

Source: Marjan Grabowski/Unsplash

The Signal app worked by sending voice, text, picture, and video messages that can only be read with a special encryption key.

Vance Denies the Connection

After the story broke that Johnson was mentoring Vance and sending him warning signals, Vance’s newly appointed Vice Presidential campaign team swooped in to discredit the rumors.

Vance with serious expression in front of a blue background

Source: Gage Skimore/Wikimedia

“JD usually ignored him, but occasionally responded to push back against things he said,” Vance spokesperson William Martin told the Post.


Messages Show Communication Is Legit

Although he denies the connection to Johnson, the messages on the Signal app show that the two corresponded regularly. Vance often gave Johnson crucial inside information and opinions on legislative affairs.

The exterior of the US Congress building with a single American flag flying

Source: flySnow/Getty Images

When Republicans blocked a foreign aid package in 2023 to assist with the fighting operations in Ukraine, Vance allegedly sent a message to Johnson saying, “Dude I won’t even take calls from Ukraine. Two very senior guys reached out to me. The head of their intel. The head of the Air Force. B—ing about F16s.”


Cryptic Communication

The two have had a string of dialogue, ranging from clear-cut exchanges to more cryptic messages. It’s hard to know if Vance wanted to be open with Johnson or meant to keep him at arm’s length for some reason.

JD Vance walking away from Kamala Harris' plane with a group of people wearing suits

Source: @WUTangKids/X

In June of this year, Johnson sent a text congratulating Vance on being on the short list of Trump’s running mates: “Congratulations. Good luck.” A few days later, the Ohio Senator replied: “For what? You assume too much.”


The Warning

Following the congratulations message, Johnson reached out again with an ominous warning: “Don’t take it when it’s offered. It’s a trap.”

An office setting where people are working on hacking-like programs

Source: Hack Capital/Unsplash

Vance responded in a non-coherent manner, which signified that he didn’t take much credence to the message. “Haha. Doubt it’s offered. We’ll see,” he quickly messaged back.


What Do Vance and Johnson Have in Common?

Aside from some overlapping political views, Johnson and Vance come from the same Silicon Valley tech and investment world. They have also both worked with far-right billionaire tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel.

A man with red hair sitting at a desk with a set of wizard toys

Source: @parismarx/X

Thiel was one of the main donors to Vance’s 2022 Senate campaign that used up a whopping $15 million achieved through a super PAC. Thiel and Johnson worked together on a lawsuit against the now-defunct online publication Gawker, which accused Johnson of defecating on a floor in college.


Is Vance Being Set up By Trump?

It’s no secret that Trump’s previous Vice President, Mike Pence, has fallen out of favor with both him and the MAGA fan base. Removing himself from Pence gave Trump a fall guy to blame in the event that any past policies became unpopular with his voting base.

An American flag next to a Trump 2020 flag

Source: Dalton Caraway/Unsplash

Several political commentators online have noted that Vance is already polling at -6 in the presidential race and seems to be unpopular with voters. It’s currently unknown how or why Trump might use Vance as a landing pad on his way down.


Johnson's History as a Federal Informant

Johnson has previously been outed as federal information for several years.

A man with red hair and glasses holding a machine gun

Source: @RTeapot/X

It’s unknown what insider information the Holocaust denier might have in his back pocket or if his messages to Vance are another one of his fueds or attempts to get in the public eye.
