Was the Ark of the Covenant Real?

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Apr 07, 2024

For thousands of years, legends and myths about a sacred religious artifact dating back to Moses’ time have captured the attention of all who have studied the stories surrounding the Ark of the Covenant. 

But is there any real evidence to suggest such an item once existed, and if so, just what was contained within?

The Ark of the Covenant in Pop Culture

Outside the Abrahamic religious sphere of influence, the Ark of the Covenant acclaimed worldwide fame for its role in Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.”

An image of a replica of the Ark of the Covenant used in Indiana Jones

Source: Wikimedia

But its true origins extend back several thousand years to the Old Testament, where ancient Israelites are depicted carrying the Ark into battle and decimating entire cities with its great power, according to Britannica

The Oldest Reference to the Ark

According to Jewish and Christian tradition, the Ark of the Covenant is a box made from the wood of an acacia tree and covered in gold. It is thought to have been around 4 feet long, 2 feet wide, and 2 feet high and was carried using wooden poles connected to golden rings on its side. 

A painting depicting Moses and Joshua bowing to the Ark of the covenant

Source: Wikimedia

Contained within the box were two tablets on which were inscribed the Ten Commandments, given to Moses by God during his time on Mount Sinai. 

The Power to Kill Anyone Who Peeked Inside

The power of the Ark was so great that it had to be completely covered in a veil when being transported.

A metal relief depicting the Israelites carrying the Ark of the Covenant

Source: Wikimedia

Traditions claim that anyone who tried to look inside the container would suffer great misfortune if they lived to tell the tale.

Is the Ark of the Covenant Real?

Debates continue to this day about the authenticity of the Ark. Baruch Halpern, a Penn State professor of ancient history, classics, ancient Mediterranean studies, and religious studies, is one researcher who firmly believes in its existence. 

An picture of the Israelites carrying the Ark of the Covenant

Source: Wikimedia

“The Ark is a regular feature in the Old Testament, making several appearances in the first five books of the Bible. The various references to the Ark are pretty consistent, and when you add it all up, it seems like the Ark was a real article,” he said (via Penn State)

The Name of God Gives the Ark Power

Halpern notes that several other sacred “containers” are mentioned as vessels to carry holy relics in the ancient world.

Recreation of the Ark of the Covenant based on descriptions

Source: Wikimedia

Supposedly, on the surface of the Ark, two angels faced each other with their wings extended, forming a seat for God.


YHWH Accompanies the Ark into Battle

According to Halpern, the Ark’s sacred nature, miraculous power, and association with God suggest that it was a real item of antiquity. 

An image of the Israelites during their voyage to cross the Red Sea

Source: Wikimedia

“It’s also important to note that it wasn’t just the Ark being carried into battle. YHWH, the name accorded the god of Israel in much of the Bible and later literature, accompanies the Ark into battle, giving it miraculous power,” he said


The Ark Vanishes into the Shadows of History

The Ark was deemed so sacred that it was eventually locked away in a holy chamber underneath the Temple of Jerusalem. However, it disappeared after the Babylonians sacked Jerusalem in the 6th century BCE.

An image that displays how the Temple of Jerusalem may have looked thousands of years ago

Source: Wikimedia

Many believe it was smuggled out of the city to a safe location before Nebuchadnezzar’s forces could steal it. To this day, its whereabouts remain a mystery. However, others believe the box is nothing more than a fable. 


Did the Ark Make It to Egypt?

One popular theory is that the Ark was taken to Egypt after being captured by a pharaoh who invaded Jerusalem. Others believe divine intervention allowed the Israelites to escape with the Ark intact. 

An image depicting the Colossi of Memnon of Egypt during a clear day

Source: Wikimedia

“They’re all fantasy, and we’ll never really know which one is true,” said Halpern. “Some theories seem more plausible than others. Was the Ark hidden from the Babylonians? Unlikely. Did the Babylonians take it? That theory is more probable.”


Rumors of Where the Ark Is Today

One persistent rumor about the Ark’s current whereabouts stems from another legend that suggests an Ethiopian prince took the sacred container back to his homeland. 

An aerial image of the Northern stelae park in Aksum, Ethiopia

Source: Wikimedia

Each year, the festival of St Mary of Zion takes place in the city of Aksum, otherwise known as the City of the Covenant, per the BBC.


The Ark of the Covenant Stored in Ethiopia?

According to the Ethiopian Orthodox Christians, the Ark of the Covenant was brought to their land shortly after Jerusalem was sacked in the 6th century BCE.

An image of the Church of Saint George in Lalibela, Ethiopia

Source: Wikimedia

To this day, it is said to be stored under Our Lady Mary of Zion’s Church, and it is off-limits to everyone. 


The Ark of the Covenant: Real or Fiction

The idea that an ancient wooden box once existed and held the Ten Commandments within it isn’t difficult to believe. 

An illustration created in 1728 which shows the Ark of the Covenant and the erection of the Tabernacle

Source: Wikimedia

However, whether or not it contained any divine powers is highly contested. But those with a spiritual side genuinely believe that the Ark is still out there and just as powerful as it was over 2,000 years ago.
