What Led to the American Revolution? Test Your Knowledge

By: Beth Moreton | Published: Apr 21, 2024

Countless years of conflict all led up to the American Revolution, containing events important to the history of America.

Are you one of the people that knows how the American Revolution happened? Take this quiz to test your knowledge and find out. 

Which Country Did the American Colonies Rebel Against?

  • A) Portugal
  • B) Spain
  • C) Great Britain
  • D) France
A map of the thirteen American colonies from 1781.

Source: A NTV/Wikimedia Commons

Answer: Great Britain

The UK flag flying on a flag pole that is coming out of the side of a building. The UK flag consists of a red cross with a white background, four diagonal red lines against a white background, and all of these against a blue background.

Source: Chris Lawton/Unsplash

What Years Did the American Revolution Take Place?

  • A) 1765-1784
  • B) 1775-1783
  • C) 1775-1777
  • D) 1765-1773
James Caldwell on a white horse. There are soldiers gathered around him on the ground holding guns.

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Answer: 1775-1783

American soldiers during the American Revolution. Two soldiers are in the foreground wearing their army uniforms and holding guns. There are rows of soldiers behind them also in uniform and holding guns. There is one soldier on a horse holding a sword.

Source: H. Charles McBarron Jr./Wikimedia Commons

What Did the 1763 Proclamation of Parliament do?

  • A) Prevented those in French Canada settling south of the Great Lakes
  • B) Prevented American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains
  • C) Allowed American colonists to have free settlement rights in the Ohio Valley
  • D) Created a Stamp Tax on all legal documents, licenses, and paper goods
A painting of the American Revolution. There are soldiers on horses, people on the ground fighting, and two men are trying to hold up another man.

Source: HISTORY/YouTube


Answer: Prevented American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains

A map of the Appalachian Mountains. They cover terrain along the North of America.

Source: Deanrah/Wikimedia Commons


Which 1764 Act Passed by the British Government Placed a Tax on Colonies for the First Time?

  • A) Sugar Act
  • B) Tea Act
  • C) Stamp Act
  • D) Declaratory Act
Westminster and Big Ben, where the Houses of Parliament are in the UK. The building is next to the River Thames, which looks like muddy water.

Source: Balise42/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: Sugar Act

Part of the document for the 1764 Sugar Tax. The brown paper says “Of imposing taxes in the British Colonies.”

Source: Pippah Getchell/YouTube


What Was the Name of the Event When Colonists, Dressed as Indigenous Americans, Boarded British Ships and Dumped Chests of Tea into Boston Harbor?

  • A) Boston Tea Party
  • B) The Great Tea Dumping
  • C) Boston Massacre
  • D) The Indian’s Raid
The Boston Harbour at night. There are boats in the harbor and buildings in the background that have been lit up, with the lights reflecting in the water.

Source: Richard Schneider/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: Boston Tea Party

A painting of the Boston Tea Party. There are two ships in the harbor with some people on board. There are crowds of people standing on platforms surrounding the harbor waving their arms in the air.

Source: Nathaniel Currier/Wikimedia Commons


What Was the Seven Years’ War Called in the American Colonies?

  • A) King Philip’s War
  • B) The War of 1759
  • C) Pontiac’s Rebellion
  • D) The French and Indian War
A painting of the Battle of Kunersdorf in 1759. There are soldiers on horses or standing on the ground and lots of smoke in the background.

Source: Alexander Kotzebue/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: The French and Indian War

A black and white drawing of the Siege of Louisbourg which occurred in 1758. This battle happened at sea and there are boats in the sea, with one boat appearing to be on fire.

Source: Canot, P. C./Wikimedia Commons


Who Spied on the American Commissioners for the British?

  • A) Austin Roe
  • B) Abraham Woodhull
  • C) Hercules Mulligan
  • D) Edward Bancroft
A drawing from the American Revolution. There are some soldiers riding horses, going towards an army of soldiers who are all standing in formation holding swords.

Source: Unknown Author/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: Edward Bancroft

A black and white portrait of Edward Bancroft.

Source: Unknown Author/Wikimedia Commons


Where Was the Street Where the Boston Massacre Occurred?

  • A) Quay Street
  • B) Harbour Street
  • C) Queen Street
  • D) King Street
A black and white drawing of the Boston Massacre. There are people on either side fighting with guns and swords. Some people are lying on the floor.

Source: Unknown Author/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: King Street

A black and white drawing of the Boston Massacre. Some people are holding guns and others have swords. People on either side are fighting and there is some smoke in the background.

Source: NYPL/Wikimedia Commons


Which Event Marked the Beginning of the American Revolution?

  • A) Whiskey Rebellion
  • B) Siege of Yorktown
  • C) The Battles of Lexington and Concord
  • D) The adoption of the Declaration of Independence
A painting of the American Revolution. Some soldiers are on horses and others are on the ground. Most people are selling swords. There is a building in the background.

Source: SimonATL/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: The Battles of Lexington and Concord

The Battle of Lexington. There are two groups of soldiers on either side of the field. The soldiers in the foreground have guns. Some are lying on the ground and are wounded. One of the soldiers in the background is on a horse.

Source: William Barnes Wollen/Wikimedia Commons


When Were the Battles of Lexington and Concord Fought?

  • A) April 12, 1761
  • B) April 19, 1775
  • C) July 4, 1776
  • D) June 17, 1775
An engraving of the Battle of Lexington. One row of soldiers is using gun cannons and another is using rifles. There are a few soldiers lying on the ground who are wounded.

Source: Godefroy, François/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: April 19, 1775

The Battle of Lexington engraving. Some soldiers are hiding behind hills and are holding guns. There are rows of soldiers marching past the hills.

Source: Unknown Author/Wikimedia Commons


Which Hill Was the Battle of Bunker Hill Fought On?

  • A) Snodgrass Hill
  • B) Overstreet Hill
  • C) Bunker Hill
  • D) Breed’s Hill
The Battle of Bunker’s Hill. One soldier is lying on the floor wounded, with another soldier holding him. Some soldiers are flying flags and others are pointing swords at others.

Source: John Trumbull/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: Breed’s Hill

The Battle of Bunker’s Hill. Soldiers are marching up a hill, some are carrying swords, others are carrying flags, and one soldier is carrying a drum.

Source: E. Percy Moran/Wikimedia Commons


Where Did ‘The Minute Men’ Get Their Name From?

  • A) Because of their height
  • B) Because they would fight a minute past the hour
  • C) Because they always turned up a minute late
  • D) Because of their willingness to fight at a moment’s notice
A black and white drawing of the minutemen. They are hurrying out of the door. One man is on a horse carrying a gun. One is walking with a gun and the other is being handed a gun by a woman.

Source: Popular Graphic Arts/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: Because of their willingness to fight at a moment’s notice

A greyscale drawing of the American Revolution. Some of the men are Minute Men. One man on the right is being held onto by a woman. There are soldiers at the top of a hill pointing guns at the soldiers below.

Source: Americana Corner/YouTube


In February 1778, Which Country Did the United States Form an Alliance With?

  • A) Mexico
  • B) Canada
  • C) France
  • D) Spain
A painting of the Battle of Pensacola. Soldiers are hiding behind bunkers and are holding guns at the enemy. Some of the soldiers are lying wounded.

Source: Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: France

The French army in the American Revolution. One soldier is on a white horse and is holding a sword in the air. There are some other soldiers on brown horses who are also holding swords in the air. Other soldiers are on the ground surrounding the horses.

Source: Historically Adequate/YouTube


Which French Figurehead Commanded the French Expedition in the United States?

  • A) Comte de Rochambeau
  • B) Marquis de Montcalm
  • C) Marquis de Lafayette
  • D) Comte d’ Estaing
The French army during the American Revolution. They are in blue army uniform walking towards an army in red army uniform.

Source: Historically Adequate/YouTube


Answer: Comte de Rochambeau

A portrait of Comte de Rochambeau. The painting is within a gold frame.

Source: Carles Wilson Peale/Wikimedia Commons


Who Drafted the Declaration of Independence of the United States?

  • A) William Hill Brown
  • B) Olaudah Equiano
  • C) Thomas Jefferson
  • D) Phillis Wheatley
A scene depicting the Declaration of Independence. There are five men approaching a desk with a man sitting behind. There is a crowd of people also in the room who are sitting.

Source: John Trumbull/Wikimedia Commons


Answer: Thomas Jefferson

A portrait of Thomas Jefferson.

Source: Rembrandt Peale/Wikimedia Commons
