Why Californians Are Fleeing the Once-Golden State

By: Ben Campbell | Published: Aug 02, 2024

For decades, Calfironia was seen as a shining example of what the United States could become, and many Americans fantasized about living in the Golden State one day.

The state has lost its shine in recent years, leading to a mass exodus of millions of people. While the reasons for leaving California behind vary, several major factors have forced many Americans to seek out a better life elsewhere and leave the once-golden state behind.

Rising Cost of Living

Over the past decade, the drastic rise in the cost of living has become a major problem for Californians and one of the main reasons why many former residents decided to migrate in droves to states such as Texas and Florida.

A photograph of a woman pictured shopping

Source: Freepik

The ever-increasing rent and housing prices have made it extremely difficult for middle-class citizens to thrive on their salaries. Instead of struggling financially in the state, many realized they could live much more comfortably elsewhere in the US.

Major Housing Shortage Throughout California

It’s not just the price of rent that’s left many seeking a new life elsewhere in the US, but the shortage of homes in the state.

A photograph of a homeless person Begging

Source: Wikimedia

As housing options are limited in California, this has had a negative effect on prices, which have skyrocketed over the past decade. Those who are willing to live in the state will have to compete with others for homes, often paying far higher than the national average.

Americans Want to Pay Less Tax

The state of California is known for having some of the highest income taxes in the US, especially compared to places like Texas.

A couple pictured working on their finances

Source: Freepik

Although some residents of the Golden State tolerated the high sales and income tax rates, combined with the rising cost of living, many decided enough was enough and fled to escape the attack on their wallets.

Residents Seek Out Job Opportunities Elsewhere

While California has had immense success in the technology sector, if we look at regions like Silicon Valley, many former residents argue that there simply isn’t enough variety in work to remain in the state.

A man pictured at a attending a job interview dressed in a dark suit

Source: Freepik

In an attempt to open themselves up to new opportunities, people have flocked to other regions of the US and, in some cases, across the Atlantic to Europe. One couple from Oak even claims to have found a “cheaper and more meaningful life in Spain.”

Lack of Opportunity to Start a Business

Despite having one of the largest economies in the world, Californians have expressed how difficult it is to start their own business in the state.

A man is pictured opening his shop for business

Source: Freepik

For many former residents of the Golden State with entrepreneurial dreams, leaving California and moving to regions like Florida and Texas was the only way to accomplish this. These states appear less restrictive when it comes to opening your own business, allowing former residents to chase their dreams.


Political Differences

California is often considered a majority-blue and progressive-leaning state. However, there are major clusters of conservative voters who have become frustrated with the state’s direction in recent years.

A photograph of several Americans pictured voting

Source: Wikimedia

Many conservatives, feeling increasingly alienated by California’s political landscape, have chosen to depart in search of a region that better aligns with their values and beliefs.


Living in Traffic

Californian cities like Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco are some of the most populated regions in the US, so it’s no surprise that residents spend considerable time in traffic each day.

Traffic in a busy city

Source: Freepik

For former residents who despised spending hours in traffic each day and desired an easier and more pleasant commute to work they decided that they could only accomplish this by leaving the state.


Problems With Water

California has had long-standing problems with water scarcity, leaving many residents fearful that one day they will have to go for long periods with the vital liquid should a drought sweep the state.

A photograph of land affected by a drought

Source: Freepik

While it may seem a minor issue compared to the others, some residents of the Golden State have left to avoid the anxiety associated with an impending drought and seek out a new home somewhere with stable water supplies.


Extreme Environmental Issues Sweeping the State

Wildfires and extreme environmental issues have become worse in California over the past few decades, with many suggesting it is directly related to climate change.

A photograph of a forest fire

Source: Wikimedia

According to CNN, this has led to “Wildfire-weary Californians, ‘tired of this being normal,’ uprooting their lives,” and moving to states that experience less of these terrifying events.


Californians Decide to Retire Elsewhere

For many residents of the Golden State who have spent their lives working in the busy cities, the option to retire elsewhere is extremely tempting.

An older couple pictured together

Source: Freepik

For some retirees, the prospect of spending their golden years in a region with lower costs and fewer challenges is a welcoming relief.


Californians Search for a Better Quality of Life

There’s no doubt many Californians have a sense of pride when it comes to their state. Many have realized that their quality of life would dramatically increase if they were to leave and move to regions like Texas and Florida.

A photograph of friends laughing together

Source: Freepik

Since the pandemic, millions of former residents have fled what they now call the former Golden State. The problems they desired to escape from appear to continue to plague the state, and it’s likely the mass exodus away from California will continue in the coming years.
