Woman’s Mother Disappeared When She Was Only One, but Came To Find out Why 40 Years Later

By: Julia | Published: Apr 23, 2024

When Misty LaBean was only a year old, her mother left her family and was never seen again. Her mother’s disappearance caused a lot of grief in Misty’s life as she grew up. However, her family simply thought she had run away, as she had done this before.

Recently, LaBean was able to learn exactly why her mother disappeared 40 years ago — and all thanks to one strange phone call.

40 Years Ago

About 40 years ago, Misty LaBean’s mother Connie Christensen disappeared from Wisconsin. She left her one-year-old daughter, LaBean, in the process.

A mother holding a baby.

Source: Hollie Santos/Unsplash

Christensen’s family assumed that she had run away, once again. In her teens, she had run away before. At one point, Christensen had even joined a carnival. So, her family assumed that she had simply left her family behind, as she had done in the past.

LaBean’s Childhood

As a result of her mother’s disappearance, LaBean grew up without her mother. For much of her life, LaBean couldn’t understand why her mother wasn’t around.

A mother holding her daughter outside.

Source: Douglas Lopez/Unsplash

Unfortunately, her family didn’t openly talk about Christensen, as they were so hurt by her departure.

LaBean’s Questioning

As LaBean got older — and eventually became a mother herself — her questioning about her mother’s disappearance didn’t end.

A mother walking down a sidewalk holding her child’s hand.

Source: Krzysztof Kowalik/Unsplash

“After my own kids were born, I was like, how could she have left me like that?” LaBean explained. “I would never do that to my kids.”

A Strange Phone Call

About 40 years after her mother’s disappearance, LaBean got a strange phone call from someone she had never met before.

A woman talking on the phone.

Source: Taylor Grote/Unsplash

This phone call was the key to finally uncovering the story of her mother’s disappearance. LaBean could finally get some kind of closure.

A 1982 Murder

Lauren Ogden, the chief deputy coroner of Wayne County Coroner’s Office in Indiana, was the one to make a call to LaBean. In this call, Ogden explained that they had finally been able to get DNA from a body that was found in 1982.

A barn seen on a pasture during a sunset in Indiana.

Source: Owen Rupp/Unsplash

By using genealogy services, they found a connection between this body and LaBean. Ogden wanted to finally, once and for all, allow this body to be buried and given back to the family.


Connie Christensen’s Death

In December of 1982, hunters found the remains of a body in east central Indiana. Though they immediately notified the authorities, the coroner’s office was never able to properly identify the victim.

A body of water seen by trees in the autumn daytime in Indiana.

Source: Adam Bouse/Unsplash

The body was found in an area that was mainly only used for farming and hunting. Because the area had recently flooded during this time, the body was completely damaged.


New Technology

Because the remains could not be properly identified, the body was stored at the University of Indianapolis. However, the coroner’s office continued to try to identify this victim.

A stream seen in the middle of trees in Indiana.

Source: Corbin Mathias/Unsplash

Eventually, the advancement of new technology allowed investigators to try to extract DNA from the remains in 2021.


First Few Failures

Unfortunately, the coroner’s office saw repeated failures during their first few DNA extractions. These extractions didn’t have enough genetic material to properly create a DNA profile of the victim.

A blue rendering of DNA strands.

Source: Braňo/Unsplash

However, once the team tried to extract DNA from the body’s foot bone, they were finally successful.


Using DNA Databases

The team then used this DNA extraction and ran it through a DNA database in an effort to find the family of this body. Christensen’s family had recently started to use genealogy sites to better fill out their family trees, resulting in some of them sending in their DNA.

A group of people sitting outdoors together and looking at a view.

Source: Roberto Nickson/Unsplash

Soon, investigators were able to find a match between this body and Christensen’s family. They also soon realized that Christine Christensen had seemingly disappeared from public record.


Reaching out to LaBean

Eventually, this led to Ogden reaching out to LaBean. Finally, the match was made. The body found in 1982 was Christine Christensen, LaBean’s mother.

The silhouette of a woman seen outside in the daytime underneath a cloudy blue sky.

Source: Erick Zajac/Unsplash

Investigators were able to talk to LaBean about her mother’s case and how they finally were able to discover her identity. They also revealed to LaBean that her mother had died from a gunshot wound.


Some Closure, Yet More Questions

LaBean was able to bury her mother’s body with her relatives and parents. Though some closure about her mother has occurred, LaBean has more questions about how her mother died — and who killed her. She’s hoping publicity will help solve her mother’s murder.

A mother and daughter holding hands and walking together outside.

Source: Anton Luzhkovsky/Unsplash

“In some ways, it makes me feel a little bit better,” LaBean explained. “But it also makes me angry because I could have had the chance to know her, and somebody took that chance away from me.”
