X-ray of ‘Alien mummy’ Shows Three-Fingered Hand and Large Head

By: Sam Watanuki | Published: Jul 03, 2024

In 2017, local farmers in Nazca, Peru, unearthed peculiar bodies with elongated skulls and tri-digital limbs.

These unique features quickly attracted global attention, prompting extensive scientific examination. The discovery sparked debates about their origins, with some speculating extraterrestrial connections.

Initial Skepticism

Upon discovery, many experts were skeptical, considering the bodies potential hoaxes.

A woman dressed in a shirt looks at her smartphone with a concerned face

Source: Freepik

However, further investigation revealed these beings were genuine biological entities. This shifted the focus from skepticism to scientific curiosity and validation.

Detailed Anatomical Study

Scientists from Saint Aloysius Gonzaga National University in Ica conducted detailed studies.

Researcher studying a map on a rocky slope

Source: Freepik

They classified the specimens as “humanoid,” noting their similarities to humans but highlighting significant anatomical differences, such as their elongated skulls and tri-digital limbs.

Unique Skull Features

X-ray images revealed the specimens’ skulls were 30% larger than human skulls.

Illustration of a human skull on a black background

Source: Freepik

This significant cranial volume increase accompanied by elongated skulls suggests these beings had unique evolutionary traits, distinct from known human ancestors.

Tri-Digital Limbs

One of the most intriguing features is the tri-digital hands and feet.

three elongated mummy fingers

Source: researchgate.net/X

Unlike humans, these beings had only three fingers and toes, a trait that has fueled further speculation about their origins and adaptations.

Lack of Eyes and Traditional Ears

The mummies lack traditional eyes and ears, with openings for auditory ducts instead.

Close up photo of teeth still inside a skull in a Viking mass grave from the Middle Ages in Dorset, England

Source: @DidYouKnow/YouTube

This absence of eyes is unusual and raises questions about their sensory capabilities and how they navigated their environment.


Carbon-14 Dating Results

Carbon-14 dating analysis confirmed the specimens’ age to be approximately 1,700 years old, dating back to 240 AD-383 AD.

A photograph of two scientists working in a lab

Source: Freepik

This ancient timeline places them in a significant historical context, providing a bit of insight into their era.


Facial and Dental Structure

The specimens exhibited facial symmetry with a convex profile and voluminous lips.

An assortment of fossilized ancient hominid skulls, jaws, and teeth fragments displayed against a black background

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Dental examinations revealed severe dental abrasion and loss of teeth, indicating they may have had a challenging diet or lifestyle.


Internal Composition

X-ray scans showed various internal differences, including the absence of the fifth lumbar vertebra.

Two scientists pictured working at their shared desk

Source: Wikimedia

These structural variations further emphasize the distinctiveness of these beings compared to humans.


Scientific Conclusions

The study concluded that the mummies are dried humanoid bodies with biological architecture similar to humans but with many structural differences.

A photograph of several scientists having a conversation

Source: Wikimedia

The classification as “humanoid” provides a basis for understanding their place in the evolutionary timeline, albeit still shrouded in mystery.


Cultural and Historical Significance

The discovery in Nazca, a region known for its ancient geoglyphs, adds cultural and historical significance to these findings.

English: Aerial view of the "Spiral", one of the geoglyphs of the Nazca Lines, which are located in the Nazca Desert, near the city of Nazca,

Source: Diego Delso/ Wikimedia Commons

It suggests a possible link between these beings and the ancient civilizations that once thrived in the area.


Ongoing Research and Speculation

While significant findings have been made, ongoing research aims to uncover more about these mysterious beings.

A group of researchers are pictured looking at data on a computer screen

Source: Wikimedia

The scientific community remains engaged in understanding their origins, adaptations, and implications for our knowledge of ancient life.
